“Boehner is no different then any other Bircher whackjob“.
just a bigger turd than most, and since calling the prez and dems progressive and liberal has pretty much lost its pejorative effect, what else can a fascist RATpublican do but call it socialism?
they don’t even know what it means…throw him an anvil.
The Mad As Hell Doctors left Oregon Sept. 8 on a 26-city road trip en route to Washington, D.C., where they hope to meet with President Barack Obama to lobby for a single-payer, or Medicare for All, plan. Obama hasn’t said yes yet, but the White House has started blocking emails of the group’s form letters. About 5,000 emails urging Obama to meet with the doctors had been sent at last check, said Dr. Paul Hochfeld, of Corvallis, Ore., who urged rally attendees to send emails from their own addresses.
Recently, a group of Oregon physicians calling themselves the “Mad As Hell Doctors” requested a meeting with you to discuss a single payer plan for America. I am writing you to support that request and ask that you please take time from your very busy schedule to meet with these committed doctors. There are many of us who feel that single payer is the only solution to our health care troubles but are finding it impossible to have our voices heard above the rage and rhetoric that is drowning our nation. By taking the time to meet with these Oregon physicians you are meeting with so many millions of us who believe deeply in a single payer solution.
According to reports at MinnPost.com (http://www.minnpost.com/stories/2009/09/17/11635/mad_as_hell_doctors_press_case_for_single-payer_hea
lth_care_at_minnesota_capitol), the White House has blocked receipt of their original request to meet with you. I find this truly disturbing that not only are single payer advocates not at the table bargaining for real reform, but you are shutting out the voices of one of the largest groups of health care reform advocates altogether:
This September, as the healthcare debate rages in Congress, our core group of six doctors from Oregon will be embarking on an historic road trip across America. We will be conducting town halls in twenty-six cities as we make our way to Washington, D.C. Our mission is to educate our fellow citizens as to why a single payer health care system is the only means to lasting, substantive health care reform for this country.
All told, our group has 191 years of combined, real-world medical experience, much of it spent working in a system that serves neither patients nor their doctors. As physicians who have sworn an oath to behave in accord with the highest possible ethical, medical standards, we have all reached the same conclusion: it is our professional obligation to speak out against a for-profit system of health care that is fatally compromising the health and well being of our patients, their families and our nation.
We will be in Washington D.C. on the morning of Oct. 1 and it would be a distinct honor if you would meet with our modest delegation to discuss the future of health care as well as the moral, social and fiscal imperative of a enacting a single-payer system for America at this moment in our history.
Dr. Paul Hochfeld Emergency Room Physician -Corvallis, OR
Dr. Eugene Uphoff FamilyPhysician-Portland, Oregon
Dr. Samuel Metz Anesthesiologist-Portland,Oregon
Dr. Michael Huntington RadiationOncologist-Corvallis,Oregon
Dr. Joseph Eusterman Internal Medicine-Portland, Oregon – Retired
Dr. Robert Seward InternalMedicine-Portland, Oregon
All of Boehner’s policies are … wait, Boehner and the GOP have no policies. Damn, hard to insult absolutely nothing.
Just say no!
“Boehner is no different then any other Bircher whackjob“.
just a bigger turd than most, and since calling the prez and dems progressive and liberal has pretty much lost its pejorative effect, what else can a
fascistRATpublican do but call it socialism?they don’t even know what it means…throw him an anvil.
Frankly, I am just as pissed at the nitwit political pundits in the media that don’t even follow what is going on in politics.
I’d be willing to bet that about 80 or 90% of Bloggers would have remembered his CPAC quotes. David Gregory? Nothing, zip, nada, zilch… Incompetents.
Sine we’re on videos, check out this one in defence of health insurance executives. Hilarious!
Protect Insurance Companies PSA
(Sorry; I can’t figure out how to embed this one – lot’s of strange code.)
That was awesome… I hadn’t seen that before.
latest mike ross/blanche lincoln ad from FDL:
the ed show: Doctors for Single Payer:
clik image for previous diary
From the White House::
You can send some love where I sent this email: