Rep. Alan Grayson has been a key figure in fighting for financial transparency defending civil liberties. He recently made a statement on the floor of the House saying that the GOP health care plan is “don’t get sick.”
Reward Rep. Grayson for telling the truth. Donate here:
The Republicans are now likening it to Joe Wilson’s outburst in which he called the President a “liar.” The difference being, of course, that Wilson was heckling the President during the State of the Union speech, and Grayson was not saying anything nearly as bad as what Republicans have said about the Democratic health care bill in the past.
Rep. Tom Price is introducing a resolution to censure Grayson in the House. It is important that progressives not cower in the face of this blatant hypocrisy and watch him be sacrificed to a right-wing hissy fit like Van Jones, Yosi Sargent and MoveOn have been before him.
Please send a powerful message to those seeking to silence progressives by donating Alan Grayson. Donate here:
Tips for the truth: the Republican health insurance plan is “Die quickly.”
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Heh. I made my first political contribution of the year the day he gave the speech. While I wish it wasn’t actually newsworthy when a Democrat tells it like it is, I’m all to happy to reward the rare one who will.