So Booman writes a little post putting down Fred Barnes (yet another deserving pekinese of the press) for an article critical of Barak Obama’s failed attempt to hustle the Olympics for that toddlin’ town of strong shoulders, street thugs and slimed-up pols, Chicago.
And in the post Booman includes the following statement.
Barnes asserts that the president should never ask for anything on the international stage unless he is already assured that his wishes will be fulfilled. That’s kind of like telling Derek Jeter that he shouldn’t step into the batter’s box unless he knows that he’s going to get a hit.
Now…I’m no Fred Barnes booster, but this statement of Booman’s?
It is WAY off the mark.
Read on for more.
When a Prez…especially one who is under serious attack from a truly vast right wing conspiracy (Thank you, Hillary & Billary, Inc), one that until recently he apparently thought he had effectively disarmed (Ego’s a bitch, ain’t it? Especially among the truly gifted. And good lookin’, too. Speak to Billary for all’s you need to know on that account.) asks in public for anything whatsoever, he had damned well better be lawyer-sure that he knows the answer to the question that is being asked.
When a sitting President of a banana republic…even a great big banana republic like the United Fruit Company of Omertica……scurries off flag in hand to some den of corporate thieves, asks the scurrilous headmaster “Please, sir, I want some more.” and is publicly refused in favor of…in favor of another great big banana republic, really, one that is in worse shape overall than is even the South Side of Chicago, let alone the U.F.C.of O…and is summarily refused…
Well, read the headlines.
Only that walking dickweed David Letterman is getting it worse, and his problem will soon blow over because he makes real money for his corporate sponsors. As opposed to Mr. Obama, who has tried to stop their thieving ways as well as he has been able to do so.
David No-Laughs-From-The-Belly will be OK.
But Obama?
Trouble after trouble.
Mannlicher-Carcanos are SO passé!!! Now it’s assassination by media. Nixon was the first…the test case, as it were…Bill Clinton the second and Hillary the third.
Now it’s Obama’s turn.
Dickens knew how things really work. He was the Nostradamus of his time.
As it is (and was), so shall it be. Prophecy’s simple once you get the hang of it.
In other words…here is what is happening to young Oliver (I mean…Obamiver.), right now.
[Young Obamiver] rose from the table; and advancing to the master, basin and spoon in hand, said: somewhat alarmed at his own temerity: Please, sir, I want some more.’
The master was a fat, healthy man; but he turned very pale. He gazed in stupefied astonishment on the small rebel for some seconds, and then clung for support to the copper. The assistants were paralysed with wonder; the boys with fear.
‘What!’ said the master at length, in a faint voice.
‘Please, sir,’ replied Oliver, ‘I want some more.’
The master aimed a blow at Oliver’s head with the ladle; pinioned him in his arm; and shrieked aloud for the beadle.
The board were sitting in solemn conclave, when Mr. Bumble rushed into the room in great excitement, and addressing the gentleman in the high chair, said,
‘Mr. Limbkins, I beg your pardon, sir! Oliver Twist has asked for more!’
There was a general start. Horror was depicted on every countenance.
‘For MORE!’ said Mr. Limbkins. ‘Compose yourself, Bumble, and answer me distinctly. Do I understand that he asked for more, after he had eaten the supper allotted by the dietary?’
‘He did, sir,’ replied Bumble.
‘That boy will be hung,’ said the gentleman in the white waistcoat. ‘I know that boy will be hung.’
Nobody controverted the prophetic gentleman’s opinion. An animated discussion took place. Oliver was ordered into instant confinement; and a bill was next morning pasted on the outside of the gate, offering a reward of five pounds to anybody who would take Oliver Twist off the hands of the parish. In other words, five pounds and Oliver Twist were offered to any man or woman who wanted an apprentice to any trade, business, or calling.
And Fagins abound.
And Fagins abound.
Bet on it.
Who will save young Obamiver?
Tune in next week to see.
Whadda STORY!!! (The media.)
My own bet?
Some Big Phat Pharma ProPhylactic Phagin on a Phucking Trojan-Enz horse will ride in and propose a way around the healthcare fiasco and Obamiver, clutching at straws in a whirlwind, will be forced to accept.
Cut to 2012?
UH oh!!!
Meanwhile…thank you and good night.
I got me some pickpockets to go rob.
Whadda buncha maroons!!!
Sorry, but batting .333 gets you in the Hall of Fame, and no one blames a QB for throwing an interception on a Hail Mary pass.
He’s in one hell of a slump, Booman. In his rookie year. Maybe the pitchers have him figured out. The sportswriters are ganging up on him already. We shall see. Hall of Fame or one-shot wonder. We shall see.
The recent business with Iran has really lost me. American foreign policy continues unchanged on the course it has been for the past 70 years…