Progress Pond

What If…

…the Scandinavians were conservatives? How might the Nobel Prizes be awarded differently? I think they might look something like this:

Physics– Rep. Joe Barton of Texas for raising skepticism about the theory of plate tectonics.
Chemistry– Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma for reminding us that ‘God is still up there’ and we don’t need to worry about CO2 and climate change.
Economics– John McCain for reminding us in September 2008 that the fundamentals of the economy are strong.

Literature– Sarah Palin for Going Rogue.
Physiology or Medicine– Rep. Steve King of Iowa for saying that the best vote he ever cast in Congress was against Hurricane Katrina relief.
Peace– Ronald Reagan for arming the Islamic Revolutionary government of Iran, drug-dealing Central-American death squads, Apartheid South African mercenaries, and the forerunners of al-Qaeda in Afghanistan.

Apologies to Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Michele Bachmann, and Rick Santorum. I’m sure you’d all be worthy of some honorable mention.

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