The Senate meets today at 2pm, with debate on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2009 (PPACA) starting at 3pm. The House meets tomorrow, and David Waldman tells us what they’ll be up to. After all, they’ve got to pass the time while the Senate gets all the attention doing health care.

Most of the whispers — and not a few shouts from the rooftops — indicate that there’s a strong interest in spending the time on jobs, jobs, jobs. Which means Democrats look for ways to stimulate job creation, and Republicans say they won’t work and oppose them, then hold press events in their districts accepting the money for those programs.

That seems about right. Meanwhile, there are many things to keep your eye on during the Senate debate. What’s not getting enough attention is that the Republicans are going to have a strategy for killing health reform. What will it be? How dilatory are they willing to be? What kind of poison amendments have they dreamed up? Is Harry Reid prepared, or has he been forced to spend all his energy worrying about his own caucus? We’ll begin to find out today.