Remember when I pretended to have second-hand access to a transcript of the Whitey Tape and totally punk’d former Booman Tribune front-pager (turned lunatic) Larry Johnson? Yeah, those were good times. But I am laughing my ass off once again after reading the following in Ben Smith’s opus on the new Halperin/Heilemann book:

[Hillary] even bought into the wildest of anti-Obama rumors, and was reportedly “obsessed with” a mythical recording of Michelle Obama using the slur “whitey.”

“‘They’ve got a tape, they’ve got a tape,’ she told her aides excitedly. It just goes to show, Hillary added, ‘You never know what can happen,’” reports “Game Change.”

Oh yeah, I know. I am citing a Politico review of a Halperin book. It’s anonymously sourced and told by unreliable gossip mongers. I know that. Grain of salt, and all that. But let me tell you, the very idea that Clinton actually read No Quarter and found them credible is just laughable to someone like me who knew those two ass-clowns and gave them a platform to publish their ideas before their racism came to the fore and destroyed their frontal lobes. I’d be ashamed to have ever been associated with them if it weren’t for the constant compensation they provide in their idiocy. As for Clinton? The part that immediately precedes the Whitey Tape is why I’ll never quite ‘get over it.’

Perhaps most damaging for Clinton’s current position, the book places her at the heart of the harshest tactics against Obama.

After a supporter, Bill Shaheen, suggested Obama might have been a drug dealer, Clinton’s campaign debated its course of action.

“Hillary’s reaction to Shaheen’s remarks was ‘Good for him!’” the authors write. “Followed by ‘Let’s push it out!’”

On December 12th, 2007, I asked whether Shaheen had decided to speculate about Obama the drug dealer all on his own. Turns out, Clinton liked the idea once she heard about it (I know, grain of salt, etc). By January 12th, 2008 I was willing to call the Clintons on their game:

Never mind that Billy Shaheen suggested that Obama was a cocaine dealer, or that an anonymous Clinton adviser was quoted in the Guardian as saying, “If you have a social need, you’re with Hillary. If you want Obama to be your imaginary hip black friend and you’re young and you have no social needs, then he’s cool.” Never mind the rest of it.

Here is how it works. The Clintons push some racially sensitive buttons and elicit an emotional response. Then they go apologize explain themselves on the Al Sharpton radio show. The New York Times only covers the most innocuous of their comments. The result is that they remind voters that Barack Obama is not the post-racial uniter, but a typical black candidate, supported by serial whiners Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Nothing could undermine Obama’s campaign more among the white vote, and the Clintons know it. And there is nothing, nothing, that Obama can do about it. If he complains, he only makes it worse. If he doesn’t complain, these subtle allegations that he is a lazy, drug-dealing Muslim do damage all on their own.

Congratulations to the Clintons. You really are good at this campaigning thing. I’m so impressed.

So, no, I don’t forget these things. It’s not water under the bridge to me. She is a fine Secretary of State, but she’s not a good person. And imagining her hitting refresh on her blackberry to get the latest from that racist piece of shit blog No Quarter is funnier than it is sad. That’s an image I’ll always remember her by.