Remember when I pretended to have second-hand access to a transcript of the Whitey Tape and totally punk’d former Booman Tribune front-pager (turned lunatic) Larry Johnson? Yeah, those were good times. But I am laughing my ass off once again after reading the following in Ben Smith’s opus on the new Halperin/Heilemann book:
[Hillary] even bought into the wildest of anti-Obama rumors, and was reportedly “obsessed with” a mythical recording of Michelle Obama using the slur “whitey.”
“‘They’ve got a tape, they’ve got a tape,’ she told her aides excitedly. It just goes to show, Hillary added, ‘You never know what can happen,’” reports “Game Change.”
Oh yeah, I know. I am citing a Politico review of a Halperin book. It’s anonymously sourced and told by unreliable gossip mongers. I know that. Grain of salt, and all that. But let me tell you, the very idea that Clinton actually read No Quarter and found them credible is just laughable to someone like me who knew those two ass-clowns and gave them a platform to publish their ideas before their racism came to the fore and destroyed their frontal lobes. I’d be ashamed to have ever been associated with them if it weren’t for the constant compensation they provide in their idiocy. As for Clinton? The part that immediately precedes the Whitey Tape is why I’ll never quite ‘get over it.’
Perhaps most damaging for Clinton’s current position, the book places her at the heart of the harshest tactics against Obama.
After a supporter, Bill Shaheen, suggested Obama might have been a drug dealer, Clinton’s campaign debated its course of action.
“Hillary’s reaction to Shaheen’s remarks was ‘Good for him!’” the authors write. “Followed by ‘Let’s push it out!’”
On December 12th, 2007, I asked whether Shaheen had decided to speculate about Obama the drug dealer all on his own. Turns out, Clinton liked the idea once she heard about it (I know, grain of salt, etc). By January 12th, 2008 I was willing to call the Clintons on their game:
Never mind that Billy Shaheen suggested that Obama was a cocaine dealer, or that an anonymous Clinton adviser was quoted in the Guardian as saying, “If you have a social need, you’re with Hillary. If you want Obama to be your imaginary hip black friend and you’re young and you have no social needs, then he’s cool.” Never mind the rest of it.
Here is how it works. The Clintons push some racially sensitive buttons and elicit an emotional response. Then they go
apologizeexplain themselves on the Al Sharpton radio show. The New York Times only covers the most innocuous of their comments. The result is that they remind voters that Barack Obama is not the post-racial uniter, but a typical black candidate, supported by serial whiners Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Nothing could undermine Obama’s campaign more among the white vote, and the Clintons know it. And there is nothing, nothing, that Obama can do about it. If he complains, he only makes it worse. If he doesn’t complain, these subtle allegations that he is a lazy, drug-dealing Muslim do damage all on their own.Congratulations to the Clintons. You really are good at this campaigning thing. I’m so impressed.
So, no, I don’t forget these things. It’s not water under the bridge to me. She is a fine Secretary of State, but she’s not a good person. And imagining her hitting refresh on her blackberry to get the latest from that racist piece of shit blog No Quarter is funnier than it is sad. That’s an image I’ll always remember her by.
This is the funniest shit ever. I think Amy Poehler needs to do a dramatic reading of these passages. If only Chris Farley were around to play Larry Johnson (done in the style of Matt Foley, motivational speaker).
The person I am most pissed off at still is Sean Wilentz. What a disgraceful performance.
I am ashamed to have been raised in the same town where he professes.
“So, no, I don’t forget these things. It’s not water under the bridge to me.”
Nor is it water under the bridge for me that so many blogs/commentors were silent on these matters.
Yo jdw!
I was so proud of my ability to blow off eschaton that I fell into a similar debate on fdl. Some people don’t learn easily.
I had to go look at No Quarter since it’s been so long since I was there. Johnson finds the main message in Game Change is that everyone conspired to defeat Hillary. And it goes downhill from there. I expect Johnson would make it onto Fox if he only had more appeal. It’s such an odd site, it’s as if he tried to transition from an agit prop specialist to a domestic spin doctor and was only partially successful.
I had to dig around and see what their readership had to say. The discussions on race are very interesting — so to speak.
Got Bill into the Governor’s mansion and the ultimate White House. It’s her personal tragedy he screwed up every time traveling along with her. Together they managed to overcome most setbacks, however it was never a smooth ride. Bill’s attitude during her presidential bid did more harm than good. In the end, they deserve each other. One
hardly[n]ever gets a saint to reach the presidency, politics is a bare knuckle fight, you know that BooMan. Most telling of this episode, though hardly surprising …, even Hillary has the same human traits and deficiencies as we all have. I wouldn’t want to swap places with her, she’s is too focused and serious, I would look for more entertainment. LOLMissing link to “following” in your story –
Politico Ben Smith | Game over: The Clintons stand alone
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Gotta say it Booman: you are fearless.
I don’t know whether or not Hillary actually read No Quarter, but what anyone knows who read NQ in those days is that it was noticeably pro-Hillary even before Obama entered the race. And remember, the spin in major media for years (mostly from GOP sources) was that Hillary was the “inevitable” next Democratic candidate. As soon as Obama proved to be a serious contender, NQ became nastily pro-Hillary and anti-Obama.
Johnson is no more…nor less…of a lunatic than he was when he was featured here on Booman Tribune.
He “punk’d” you.
He is an intel asset. Pure and simple. First he did one job…on you…and then he was assigned to anther job. Neither of which did he do very well. But then…”not doing a job very well” appears to be a job description in certain parts of the CIA.
So it goes.
But…’fess up, my brutha.
No amount of “punking” is going to cloud the truth of the matter.
You aggressively featured both Johnson and that crazy racist “ex”-military intel guy…I’ve already forgotten his name, but you know who I mean, the one who lives in France and advocates shooting the young and the Ararbic?…for quite a while here.
Ain’t no “ex” intel people, Booman. Not very many, anyway. Not alive there are not. The intelligence game is like the Mafia. You’re in it for life.
Or death, of course.
Bet on it.
Larry works for himself.
You really believe this?
It’s not either/or. He probably still freelances from time to time. These networks are so amorphous. It’s not like you’re only intel if you’re on an official payroll.
“that crazy racist “ex”-military intel guy”
pat lang?
The only reason Larry Johnson showed up in the left blogosphere at all was his defending his good colleague Valerie Plame. Folks get deceived by halo effects all the time. Because he agreed with progressives on that one point, it was assumed that he agreed with progressives generally — at least on foreign policy. All he showed is that there is a faction in the CIA that does not think Poppy Bush walks on water and was very aggravated by Sonny Bush. The CIA is not monolithic. Well, progressives need to understand that personal ambition and bureaucratic jockeying occur in the CIA just like in other large institutions and corporations.
The Clintons exposed their willingness to use racist attacks when Bill Clinton was campaigning in South Carolina and being piqued that his sobriquet of “first black president” was not enough to swing black voters. Then Bill played the race card and somewhere in the same time period attacked Jesse Jackson, who happens to have been born in South Carolina. Absolutely the worst way to sway black South Carolina voters. It likely cost lots of votes in the primary.
It is a mistake to think that Hillary is more ambitious than Bill. She just shows it more. Bill has the cultivated “good ole boy” approach to his ambitions. But he doesn’t like to be contradicted, not in a campaign and not on healthcare. And he gets very frustrated and lashes out when he’s losing (or Hillary is losing).
The only thing that saves the Hillary campaign’s miserable performance is that the McCain campaign made the same mistakes and added some egregious head-scratching ones of its own.
I’m afraid all this Larry Johnson stuff is before my time here and thus over my head. I do have an abiding “emotional” memory of Hillary as depicted by Emma Thompson as Susan Stanton in Primary Colours – as a somewhat more disciplined, ethical and idealistic version of Bill – until when push came to shove – she showed herself to be as ruthless as any political operator in search of political ambition – forced and thwarted to live out that ambition through Bill – at that time anyway.
The impression that movie left was of two political careerists forced to ditch their early idealistic principles when confronted by the “real” world of US politics. There seemed to be virtually no boundaries to what was acceptable- provided that it worked. Thus race was a tool to use in furtherance of a campaign – not necessarily evidence of racism in their personal views where aspects of idealism may have survived.
The other thing about this kind of political mudslinging that continually surprises me is that it almost always seems to work – rather than reflected badly on the mudslingers. It gives the impression that Americans like their politics dirty and their politicians dirtier – while all the while claiming to be whiter than white.
heh, this time the cost was too high, and it didn’t work.
In that sense Hillary may have been caught up in a Southern/time warp where what used to work inexplicably (to them) didn’t work so well any more – although partly that was because of Obama’s magisterial response and refusal to be dragged down that road. It certainly tested Obama, and he came up trumps.
However the impression I get is that it still works fine for Palin and within the Republican party…
the Clinton comment surprised me not one bit. as one of those who was told that the dog whistles sent out by Camp Clinton were all in my ‘ imagination’, well….the Halperin book was no shock.
This was my moment, re Hillary.
I wonder what the book has to say about those comments?