Now that the Supreme Court has stuck a stake in the heart of the constitution, rendering the quaint little notion of one man, one vote a thing of the past, by allowing corporations to contribute unlimited amounts,


Actually, a lot.
We need to reinstitute monitoring of companies that support progressive policies.

We need to go out of our way to shop only at those establishments, and eschew, to the greatest extent possible, the rest.

We need to educate each other that while we must still act as if our votes at the ballot machine still count (whether they do or not) we must also realize that henceforth, every dollar we spend is also a vote, and we need to vote far more consciously and wisely.

There used to be websites like BuyBlue and ChooseTheBlue which listed companies that donated to Democrats and progressives. Both of those sites are essentially defunct or taken over now. So we need someone with skills and no-how to recreate that, and we need a lot of contributors.

Maybe a simpler way would be a group Wiki to track companies worth buying from.

We need to leverage boycotts – something the left hasn’t used much since the 1970s. They were actually very effective.

And I’d also like to see us organize some “pro-cotts” – have a day where everyone promised to buy at least one thing from a business if they donate to our cause.

Come on, people. Be creative. We still have this site. I’m ready to go drown my sorrows in a drink in one part of my brain, but I have to shove that aside and let the other part, the “hero” part of my brain, come to the fore. I suggest you let your inner hero out as well.

These are extraordinary times, and call for extraordinarily creative measures. Get busy!!!!