View any one of them and you will have seen them all.

Allon Plan
Netanyahu Plan
Generous Offer
Sharon Plan
Ehud Olmert I
Ehud Olmert II

Unfortunately, the six peace plans shown above, which were proposed over the years, including the one Netanyahu is now trying to sell the world, are all versions of the same plan: it defines an Apartheid state for the Palestinians, a collection of bantustans lacking sovereignty, contiguity, independence, and borders. If we can just call it the Israeli peace plan, it lacks any possibility for creating the two state solution. The configuration of territory is not side-by-side, but the inside-outside design of Apartheid.

Lawrence of Cyberia (diane) pulled together these various plans showing that irrespective of the party in power, they all lead to the Greater Israel concept with Palestinians living in bantustans within Israel.

And a repetition of Afrikaaner South African racist Apartheid will be with us again. People just refuse to learn from history.

…the Israeli govt’s plan for the West Bank (and Jerusalem).

This is the Allon Plan, put forward in 1967 by Israeli Deputy PM Yigal Allon, under which Israel would solve the “Palestinian problem” by annexing Greater Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley and confining the Palestinians to a northern (Nablus/Jenin/Ramallah) bantustan and a southern (Hebron/Bethlehem) bantustan.

This is the Netanyahu Plan, put forward in 1995 by Benjamin Netanyahu, under which Israel would solve the “Palestinian problem” by annexing Greater Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley and confining the Palestinians to a northern (Nablus/Jenin/Ramallah) bantustan and a southern (Hebron/Bethlehem) bantustan, plus Jericho.

This is Ehud Barak’s Generous Offer, put forward at Camp David in 2000, under which Israel would solve the “Palestinian problem” by annexing Greater Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley and confining the Palestinians to a northern (Nablus/Jenin) bantustan, a central (Ramallah) bantustan, and a southern (Hebron/Bethlehem) bantustan, plus Jericho.

This is the Sharon Plan of 2003, showing the final route that Ariel Sharon intended for Israel’s Wall, which was to encircle the Palestinians from both the east and the west. This would allow Israel to solve the “Palestinian problem” by annexing Greater Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley and confining the Palestinians to a northern (Nablus/Jenin/Ramallah) bantustan and a southern (Hebron/Bethlehem) bantustan.

This is a map prepared by the BBC in 2006, showing the borders that Ehud Olmert was imposing at that time on the Palestinians through the construction of the Wall and the exclusion of Palestinians from the Jordan Valley, under which Israel would solve the “Palestinian problem” by annexing Greater Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley and confining the Palestinians to a northern (Nablus/Jenin/Ramallah) bantustan and a southern (Hebron) bantustan, plus Jericho.

This is a map prepared by the UN in 2007, showing the borders that Ehud Olmert was imposing at that time on the Palestinians through the construction of the Wall and the exclusion of Palestinians from the Jordan Valley, even as he was talking about negotiating a two state solution with them. Not surprisingly, it involves Israel annexing Greater Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley and confining the Palestinians to a northern (Nablus/Jenin/Ramallah) bantustan and a southern (Hebron/Bethlehem) bantustan, plus Jericho.

Different Israeli govts, but always the same plan. From the Israeli perspective, the only purpose of the peace process was to drag on inconclusively long enough for these bantustan borders to be imposed on the Palestinians.

Now we have Netanyahu repeating the same plan. In successive announcements, Netanyahu has made claim to all of Jerusalem, the settlement lands, the Jordan Valley, and the borders of any Palestinian state (read bantustans), in short, all of original Palestine. Given that nothing will change on the ground, Apartheid is therefore already with us. And by default it is supported by American financial and military aid to Israel, by the American taxpayer. In the 1980s. Reagan supported South African Apartheid which was eventually brought down through boycotts and grassroots efforts. Will Obama support Israeli Apartheid in turn?

Thanks to diane.