After getting Rotary International to quit supporting David Stevenson of we suspected they would continue on at first chance or maybe never even ended funding.

Rotary knew quite clearly our concerns because we had told them what was going on. Most of these children were not orphans, and they were being used to raise money.

Witness statements:
But here they are promoting the same outfit again, can we assume funding as well? You guess. Or write them.

But if you want to know how the children at Children of the Golden Triangle are used, then best you look at this video for yourself. David is more than glad to expand on his child labor plans for “his” 500 Aboriginal children.
Our thanks to White Tara Productions

So why are so many men from the northwest bent on funding CGT?

Neither CARE of SAVE THE CHILDREN advocate child removals from the villages they live in. Neither does USAID. So why is Rotary supporting it? DO NO HARM?