US Vice-President Joe Biden blahblahblahblahblahblah “moment of real opportunity” blahblahblahblahblahblah peace between the Palestinians and Israel blahblahblahblahblahblah.
Mr Biden welcomed blahblahblahblahblahblah start indirect talks, blahblahblah the US blahblahblahblahblahblah who “took risks for peace”.
Blahblahblahblahblahblah US was committed to Israeli security blahblahblahblahblahblah prevent Iran blahblahblah nuclear weapons blahblahblah.
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu welcomed US attempts to boost sanctions on Iran.
Mr blahblah Biden is blahblahblahblahblahblah administration of US President Barack Obama to visit Jerusalem.
At a joint news blahblahblahblahblahblah Mr Netanyahu, Mr Biden blahblahblahblahblahblah “no space” between the US and Israel on Israel’s security blahblahblahblahblahblah.
Mr Biden blahblahblah cornerstone of Washington’s relationship with Israel blahblahblahblahblahblah “absolute, total, unvarnished” commitment to its security blahblah.
Meanwhile …
Illegal settlement Beitar Illit
● Israel authorizing 1,600 new housing units in East-Jerusalem
● Netanyahu adds West Bank shrines to Jewish heritage list
● New Housing Approved in Beitar Illit
Israel authorizing 1,600 new housing units in East-Jerusalem
Just to show who is boss…
Sounds as if you are saying, we have been here before, often, and the merry-go-round just continues, one administration after the last, the same words ad infinitum.
But in addition, we have Biden declaring that anything previously negotiated is null and void. Isn’t that interesting. Netanyahu recently said the same thing, apparently talking about Olmert’s verbal offer to Abbas, just before the Gaza massacre, and two months before he was about to leave office, the 94% solution that never was. If it wasn’t written on paper, it is meaningless, says Netanyahu. Or was he talking about George Bush’s Annapolis no-go requirements for a sovereign Palestinian state, ‘contiguous’ did he say? Today it looks more like a Swiss cheese state than ever, with Palestine tucked in the holes.
The only possibility is that Obama is capitulating to Jewish representatives in the House or Senate who indicated that they would vote against his medical care reform initiative if he continued to pressure Israel (read that somewhere). Okay, so we are waiting for the outcome of that issue. But then what? Israel will just do what it pleases anyway, as we see above.
Disheartening, isn’t it?
Here’s a good one from PBS Radio:
Israel decides to announce the building of 1600 homes in East Jerusalem on Biden’s arrival, a big fuck you from Israel. These are indirect talks, talks about talks, which all sounds like more Israeli procrastination, interference with the process because, as Richard Silverstein asserted, Israel doesn’t want these negotiations. Netanyahu has already dictated the solution.
Then Biden comes on talking about Iran.
Biden Condemns Israel’s Approval To Build New Settlements In East Jerusalem
In what was an obvious slap in the face of the US while Vice President Biden was visiting Israel, Biden openly condemned the plan to build new settlements in East Jerusalem. The Interior Ministry announced the construction plans just as Biden was wrapping up a series of warm meetings with Israeli leaders.
In response to the insulting announcement, Biden stated,
Who was it that said: “don’t mess with Joe.”
Read on HERE: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/...
‘R. Shlomo plan’s timing regrettable’
Right, just a “technical matter” by a bureaucrat…
Yes, the announcement was not wrong, just purely timed.
Biden was pissed, as this publications reveals:
Biden: Palestinians deserve `viable’ independent state
Comments aimed at reassuring Palestinians of U.S. support
The very fact that these “indirect” negotiations will come to nought, as they have in the past, suggests that the message to Obama was clear. You do not control Israel; Israel controls you.
It cannot be read differently and if anyone believes that Netayahu was ignorant of the announcement, he just doesn’t understand Israeli politics under Likud.
“Comments aimed at reassuring Palestinians of U.S. support“
This is just lip service. U.S. support for the Palestinians has NEVER consisted of anything more than lip service, occasionally backed up by a pretence of action. This is just more lip service, and in this case there will not even be a pretence of action.
The housing announcement in East-Jerusalem by the Israeli ministry, was “unfortunate” and not meant as an insult to Joe Biden’s visit. Joe Bidens laid out tit-for-tat sanctions …
(The Hill) – Vice President Joe Biden and his wife Jill were more than an hour and a half late to dinner at the home of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday night.
There was speculation that the tardiness may have been related to an announcement today that Israel would advance housing construction in East Jerusalem …
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
That’s one way of communicating, I suppose. But what good will it do. The Israelis are just not interested in Obama and his peace effort. Netanyahu is Likud, and the Likud Charter has no place for a Palestinian state.
What we haven’t heard about is what Israel intends to do when Apartheid, the formal kind, is inevitable. It already exists, of course, but nobody is talking about it except various peace activist groups, and Jimmy Carter, of course.
Biden’s got their back. Free to do whatever they want to Palestinians who better not fight back or they will be terrorists
(Ynet) – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs decided to grant a request by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and European Union High Representative of Foreign Affairs Catherine Ashton to enter the Gaza Strip. According to the ministry’s statement, the two wish to “closely monitor” humanitarian efforts in the Strip.
Israel has denied senior officials’ visits to Gaza in the past, claiming that such visits could strengthen the Hamas regime and legitimize it.
A parade of Euroweenies to Gaza?
(OCHA) – Expressing serious concerns about the situation in east Jerusalem, Mr. Holmes noted that besides endangering peace efforts, the construction of the Barrier, settlement expansion, forced evictions and continued demolitions had a severe humanitarian impact on Palestinian communities.
“I was moved by what I saw and I heard today during the discussions I had with Palestinian families being forced out of their homes,” Mr. Holmes said. “The recent decision of the Jerusalem municipality to delay planned demolitions in Al Bustan is a positive step, but what is really needed is the cancellation of demolition orders and evictions in Palestinian areas,” he added.
Mr. Holmes also visited a school in the Al Jahalin Bedouin community in Area C of the West Bank. The community, which has been living in the area for generations, has come under increased pressure recently, due a nearby settlement and the restrictions on building permits and access to the area. The school, which was constructed with the assistance of UN agencies and NGOs, has been marked for demolition.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
More on the Biden visit and the peace process boloney.
From the MESS Report:
Any arguments?
While Corrie was in the Palestinian territories, she wrote vividly about her experiences. Her diaries were later turned into a play, My Name is Rachel Corrie, which has toured internationally, including in Israel and the West Bank.
IDEALS — Rachel Corrie in London Play
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Rachel’s family are in Haifa at the moment suing the Israeli government. One of the witnesses, the doctor to whom Rachel was taken after the “incident”, is not being allowed to leave Gaza to testify in court.
See Jonathan Hari in today’s (Friday) Independent newspaper avaiiable free on line:
Palestinians should now declare their independence
Johann Hari: Benjamin Netanyahu has responded to the US request with a big concrete slap.
And just in case you didn’t know, Mr Kos is still informing us daily in one of his premium ads (big bucks stuff) that Iranian bombs are killing Americans in Iraq. If they want to sell cap and trade (or whatever it’s called) they don’t need to lie about the U.S. Well that’s what they’re doing by making a false claim about supposed U.S. victimization. It’s just emotional crap. It’s a double ile, including Iran. If the ad’s sellers really want to get into defanging the hold oil has on the U.S., they might begin with the Great Ally of Saudi Arabia. But they won’t because they’re not interested in anything that has to do with the consequences of fossil fuel consumption. And don’t forget that the Saudi royal famiiy has impeccable credentials at home and in the U.S.
Recent diary by Shergald – Daily Kos features attack Iran ad
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Yes, I’ve seen it. The ad is STILL there.
When you become a nice succesful part of the establishment you have to accept it all.
(The Independent) – Could the Israeli government make it any more obvious they have no intention of sharing the Over-Promised Land with its other inhabitants?
Chris Coady / NB illustration
This week the Obama administration – who give Israel $3bn a year, more than they dole out to any other nation on earth – made a meek and craven request for Israelis to simply have a pause in seizing even more land, and to sit down with the Palestinians. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded with a big concrete slap: the announcement of 1,600 more homes to be built on occupied Palestinian land from which Arabs will be forcibly kept out. He has made it plain he will not loosen his grip by an inch, announcing: “Even if [Palestinian President] Abu Mazen comes along and says he’s ready to sign a peace deal on the spot, we will restore settlement construction to its previous levels.” No compromise. Never.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
JERUSALEM — The Israeli military prosecutor charged two staff sergeants with instructing a 9-year-old Palestinian boy to open bags the soldiers suspected were booby-trapped, during Israel’s military campaign in Gaza just over a year ago.
The military said in a statement that “soldiers were strictly forbidden from making use of civilians for or during operational activity and specifically when it endangered the lives of the civilians.” If convicted, the soldiers, who are now in the reserves and were not named, could face up to three years in jail.
Steady demolition of Gaza and West Bank
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
scapegoat a goat let loose in the wilderness on Yom Kippur after the high priest symbolically laid the sins of the people on its head. Lev. 16:8,10,26.
DEBKAfiles Our military sources report that the Barak arms list is tailored to a potential four-front offensive against Israel launched by Iran and its allies. It includes systems needed by the Israeli Air Force, certain types of missiles and advanced electronic equipment. During his last visit, the defense minster complained the list had been pending in Washington for more than three months and the sands for a possible conflict were running out fast. He stressed that it was essential for these items to reach Israel before a flare-up occurred. The urgency was such that he suggested that if they could not be supplied to Israel at short notice, they should at least be held ready meanwhile in the emergency stores of the US bases in Israel’s Negev.
… Prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu convened his inner cabinet Saturday night, March 12, to discuss the spiraling crisis with Washington and his first response.
American-Jewish criticism was led Saturday night by the Anti-Defamation League’s Abraham Foxman, who issued this statement: “We are shocked and stunned at the Administration’s tone and public dressing down of Israel on the issue of future building in Jerusalem,” he said. “One can only wonder how far the US is prepared to go in distancing itself from Israel in order to placate the Palestinians.”
(Ynetnews.com) – According to sources, both Peres and Barak believe that the incident with Biden was uncalled for, tasteless, and cause seriously damaged ties between the two countries. Last Saturday the defense minister held a number of conversations with Washington and his colleagues in Jerusalem in an attempt to lower the flames, but his efforts so far have proven to be fruitless.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Wrote this diary in 2006 based on an article by Jonathan Cook:
These words by Barak are suggestive of what kind of weapons might be involved.
Somewhere along the way, I came to understand that nuclear-tipped bombs capable of penetrating deep into the ground or through deep fortifications was needed. It is possible that only the US has them, although with its reactor, I suppose Israel could also produce the kind of fissionable material needed for this kind of weapon.
It is insane.
WAY beyond insane.
What took them so long?
(Christian Science Monitor) – In an interview with Israel Army Radio, Hagai Ben Artzi, the brother of Netanyahu’s wife Sara, reportedly said: “it needs to be said clearly and simply: There is an anti-Semitic president in the US. It’s not that Obama doesn’t sympathize with [Mr. Netanyahu]. He doesn’t sympathize with the people of Israel.”
Netanyahu’s office swifty published a condemnation: “I entirely reject the remarks of Hagai Ben Artzi.”
1 Gilo: 850 homes approved for publication and planning objections in Nov 2009
2 Pisgat Zeev: 600 homes approved for publication and planning objections in Jan 2010
3 Sheikh Jarrah: Several Palestinian families evicted in past 18 months to make way for Jewish settlers after court ruled in ownership dispute
4 Ramat Shlomo: 1,600 homes approved for publication and planning objections in Mar 2010
5 Silwan: Demolition orders on 88 Palestinian homes built without difficult-to-get permits - Israel planning controversial renewal project
6. West Bank barrier: Making Palestinian movement between West Bank and Jerusalem harder - Israel says it's for security
US still waiting for Netanyahu response on settlement concerns
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Note how they always conflate “the people of Israel” (meaning, of course, only the Jews of Israel) with The Jews.
The problem isn’t confined to [Israel ]:
In what possible way is this analogous to anything I was referring to, or have anything whatsoever to do with it at all?
It might be clearer in a different article, but the Japanese have had significant planned immigration from Latin America, but the people are not welcome, not treated as legitimate Japanese, and, as you can see have just been offered one-way plane tickets home.
I think there’s a strong comparison to Israeli-Palestinians. It’s just that the Israelis haven’t offered the plane package.
You seem to forget that, unlike the immigrants in Japan, the Palestinians are not an immigrant population. As I am sure you know very well it is the Jews, not the Palestinians who are the immigrant population that began arriving mere decades ago. The Palestinians are the original inhabitants of the land whose families have been there continuously going back hundreds, and in some cases thousands of years. To what “home” do you suggest that the immigrant Israelis offer them the plane package?
Oh – and my real point was to comment on the way Zionist ideologues insist upon conflating “the (Jewish) people of Israel” with The Jews.
I guess you didn’t understand. These are the descendants of Japanese that emigrated to Latin America to work, who have returned to Japan to work, and are now being told to get the fuck out forever because their genes have been sullied by their time in Latin America.
I guess that was not at all clear from the excerpt you posted. And your analogy still sucks.
PS The above is intended to explain why there is no analogy between your example, and the situation in Israel. The Latin American immigrants in Japan are not only immigrants whose arrival in Japan is fairly recent, I doubt very much that they are Japanese citizens. The Palestinians who live in Israel are not only not immigrants, they are supposedly equal citizens of a country that is loudly touted as The Only Democracy In The Middle East(TM), and also proudly proclaims itself a “pluralistic” society and country. You don’t even have to ask its “equal” Palestinian citizens how pluralistic Israel actually is. Just ask its Jewish citizens who have the misfortune of not being of European origin just exactly how pluralistic it is.
The Japanese analogy might work better in terms of balck african jews not being fully accepted by other Jews. Anyway it all just deflection from the substantive
You are right, though it would still be a rather poor analogy. And yes, it is just a deflection from the substance of the discussion, and a rather transparent attempt to excuse or mitigate Israel’s conduct.
Is it called chutzpah?
Israel Objects to U.S. Construction Demands
Published: March 16, 2010
What’s your point, BooMan? Are we supposed to be impressed by this?
“the Jewish suburb of Neve Yaakov, in northeast Jerusalem.“
Jewish suburb = illegal colony, of course. And it also smacks of apartheid.