Stories about Israel’s embarrassment of Joe Biden during his current Israel trip, which began on Monday, March 9, 2010, were best told by Monodweiss, Phil Weiss’ site, because they get to the point of how the story was covered here in the US.
First there is the story about how Biden (took) one on the chin, at the beginning of his trip.
Having spent most of the day stressing “his personal love for the Jewish state as well as the `unshakable’ commitment of the United States to Israel’s security,” Vice President Biden in return was granted a special surprise by Israel’s right-wing religious Interior Minister, Eli Yishai – the announcement of 1,600 more housing units to be built at the Ultra-Orthodox settlement of Ramat Shlomo in East Jerusalem.
Having recently been dragged into negotiations with Israel kicking and screaming, the Palestinians were naturally apoplectic.
Nabil Abu-Rudeina, spokesman for the Palestinian government, called the new housing announcement “a dangerous decision that will torpedo the negotiations and sentence the American efforts to complete failure,” adding that “it is now clear that the Israeli government is not interested in negotiating nor is it interested in peace. The American administration must respond to this provocation with actual measures, as it is no longer possible to just turn the other cheek, and massive American pressure is required in order to compel Israel to abandon its peace destroying behavior.”
The White House, clearly upset, had press chief Robert Gibbs condemn the move.
Applying the usual diplomatic slap on the wrist for such actions, a spokesman for the American Embassy in Tel Aviv said “the United States opposed unilateral actions that prejudiced the outcome of negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority aimed at creating two states, and this was such an action.”
Biden, perhaps realizing he had been obviously humiliated by the extremist Yishai, felt compelled to release the following statement:
I condemn the decision by the government of Israel to advance planning for new housing units in East Jerusalem. The substance and timing of the announcement, particularly with the launching of proximity talks, is precisely the kind of step that undermines the trust we need right now and runs counter to the constructive discussions that I’ve had here in Israel.
The text may have started out strong, but sounded rather Bidenesque by the end.
What is perhaps most strange about this incident, according to Mondoweiss, is that it was actually covered by the MSM (mainstream media) and posted the next day, 10 Mar 2010, in this story: Lord almighty, MSM covers dissing of Biden. “Notice how the mainstream press (Time Magazine) dissed the Israeli government and Bibi. This is new. Change that we can believe in (We hope).”
Tony Karon in Time:
Biden made no secret of his pique. He reportedly kept Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu waiting for 90 minutes before arriving at a scheduled dinner (a harsh slap-down in the vocabulary of diplomatic protocol) and issued a stern statement condemning the planned construction and accusing Israel of “undermining the trust we need right now” to relaunch peace talks.
Times blog:
The press pool following Biden reports that the Vice President showed up 90 minutes late for dinner with Netanyahu, and that reporters were wondering if he would show up at all.
It doesn’t seem to realise it, but Israel cannot afford to keep on behaving in this disobliging manner towards its friends. Whether it is blatant disregard for international rules concerning the protection of civilian life, as in Gaza; whether it is calculated insults aimed at neighbours, as with Turkey; or whether it is the theft of passports and identities from friendly countries and the lawless assassination of its enemies, as in Dubai, it goes too far.
However, the New York Times Israeli editor, Ethan Bronner, clearly played the embarrassment down, while the Washington Post did a little better about representing Biden’s pique. But maybe it’s a beginning.
Huffington Post has a video (take the link). The AP story is even more harsh than Weiss’ take on the incident. Biden flew to the Palestinian side and made their case in strong terms.
Biden Scolds Israel Over Settlement Plan Again (VIDEO)
Just one more line from Hanan Ashrawi.
“This is a global message of American weakness and Israeli arrogance,” said Palestinian lawmaker Hanan Ashrawi.
And I don’t think it is not evident. Bibi has been pissing on Obama ever since their first meeting.
Don’t you just love how when Israel announces its latest plans to colonize more Palestinian land and displace more Palestinians it’s really all about how they’ve humiliated the U.S.?
When you back-down for Netanyahu’s right-wing thugs in his administration, you can expect further humiliation. Too bad the US Congress will keep their mouths shut due to their living wage paid out of AIPAC pocketbook. No backbone and no brains to determine a winning strategy and/or policy. The Arab and Muslim world is divided in a Sunni and Shia power struggle. Zionist goals are within reach, no UN Security Council resolution can make any difference, the U.S. carries the blame. The Palestinians are paying the price for Fatah corruption and indecision by their leaders.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
No backbone indeed. Another piece from Phil Weiss nails the problem: late for dinner is not enough.
Netanyahu steals more land, so Biden is late for dinner
by Philip Weiss
March 10, 2010
I felt nauseated when I heard that the big gesture by Joe Biden, in response to Israel announcing more settlements on his arrival in Jerusalem, was being late to dinner. Paul Woodward nails it:
I don’t think it would take that much by the U.S. government to break the Netanyahu coalition. Why not try? And yes, the U.S. are finally talking about a break in the special relationship; but Chris Matthews and the Washington Post both called East Jerusalem “disputed East Jerusalem.” It’s not disputed. It’s annexed, unilaterally, in defiance of international law, the so-called future Palestinian capital.
Oh and here’s Jackson Diehl in the Washington Post saying it’s Biden’s mistake, and Obama doesn’t know how to reassure the Israelis.
From Al Jezeera:
(Haaretz) – Even Mahmoud Abbas would have been hard put to dream up a greater victory for Palestinian diplomacy than the one handed to him Tuesday on a silver platter by the Israeli Interior Ministry. The condemnations have been pouring in since the plan to build 1,600 homes in Jerusalem’s Ramat Shlomo neighborhood was announced. Not only from U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, but from the United Nations, the European Union and world leaders, all of them slamming the decision.
While government officials were busy yesterday blaming each other for the bad timing, it seems they were missing the bigger picture: Washington and the international community will no longer accept, even by looking the other way, Israeli construction in East Jerusalem. The capital is now the focus of the cold (but slowly warming) war between Israel and the Palestinians.
The Palestinian Authority is exploiting this with weekly demonstrations, while Israel throws fuel on the fire by taking further unilateral steps. The situation is only likely to escalate this morning with the expected disclosure of full details of the city’s building plans.
Israel planning 50,000 housing units in East Jerusalem
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
The 50,000 announced on top of the 1,600 which greeted Biden on arrival. It’s insult added to injury and it is intentional.
Who could conceivably blame Abbas if he pulls out? He’s been through these interminable negotiations with the Israelis before only to find that by the end of them, another 10,000 settlers moved into homes in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
50% of Israeli high school students believe that Israel should never withdraw from the settlements in the West Bank. Great educational system.