I keep seeing polling that shows that people aren’t just dissatisfied with Congress (which is normal) but that they are angry with their own representatives (which is not). Yet, I don’t see a whole lot of vulnerable incumbents, aside from those who come from swing districts and are always somewhat vulnerable. Everyone is focused on the Democrats taking losses in November, but if people are so P.O.’d with their reps, shouldn’t we be seeing some Republicans (to use some Palinesque imagery) in the crosshairs?
I think DCCC chairman Van Hollen should be expanding the field. And pollsters should poke around and see if they can find some unexpected weak spots.
there is this unique odor permeating. I suspect that 2010 will be the year of change, especially in congress. Only because we have such a huge majority, and because our blue cur dumbocrats have done themselves (or our country) any favors, the D side of the aisle will take a hit, possibly a big one. But, the GOP will be shocked by how many incumbents will also be removed. i figure a net loss of 9 D seats.
One thing about the increased unrest throughout our 48 states, (If commonwealths want to be commonwealths, then they don’t deserve to be called states) people are angry, scared, and poorer.
Even our semi-comatose media realizes that something’s in the air. but rather than do real journalism, they went back to their corporate tilt, and jumped at the chance to cover Tea Baggers. As though that small, idiotic, unread, functionally illiterate, group of mostly retired or unemployed conservatives constitute a major party in the country.
How can the MSMediots ignore the hundred thousand people in DC seeking rational immigration policies?
And, yet, they concentrate massive effort to cover Wassilly Sarah, Tea Baggers (around 8,000) and explain how this is a huge movement.
Well, yeah, if you are talking bowel movements. Reid’s home town only has one casino, and 800 residents. So, for them, yup, this was huge.
The Conventional Wisdumb, that weird, echoing, MSM way of dealing with political news, is going to take it in the teeth this election. And at least for that, I could not be happier.
I think there is a racial undercurrent going on that must be taken into account. A vote for the GOP is a vote against Obama.
I agree with everything except the pollster part. Pollsters are always after-the-fact. At the start of the primaries, none of them could predict, for example, Obama being anything more than a novelty candidate. What we need is intelligent political minds using logic, not just numbers, to find vulnerabilities.
Case in point: WI-1, where Paul Ryan, the GOP’s designated corporate pegboy, has been pretty safe for a decade. He won his last election 64-35 against an amateur opponent with no party or independent support.
To the number nerds, this district is an obvious loser. A more issue-based view gives a somewhat different picture. Ryan has been pointman for the “wisdom-of-the-market” crowd. In spite of the disaster that ideology has wrought, Ryan wants to fix things by privatizing Social Security, Medicare, and pretty much everything else. He was the pretty face trashing healthcare reform and the economic recovery initiatives.
Obama won the district 51-47. It includes troubled industrial towns like Kenosha, Janesville, and Racine, as well as farmland. A strong left-populist Dem willing to throw Ryan’s failed ideology in his face could give him a good run. This is a district with a lot of people who need government to help restore their hometowns. A Dem who can get out the disaffected vote has a shot. The primary isn’t until June, and the primary’s in Sept. Currently the only Dem candidate is a well meaning teacher with an unimpressive website and apparently no party support.
The 1st District represents a prime opportunity for independent-left outfits like MoveOn, ActBlue, PFAW, and the unions to chalk up a big win. Whether that means finding a strong candidate or helping the current one make her case, the political climate makes this a pickup possibility for the right candidate with the right backing. And a prime chance for the left to teach the DCCC and the Dem Party beancounters a lesson. Somebody has to — they’ll never wise up on their own.