AIPAC said it would eventually control our college campuses. Although it was not carried by the mainstream media, AIPAC announced that it would take over college campuses just as it has taken over Congress.

“This is how AIPAC operates in our nation’s capitol. This is how AIPAC must operate on our nation’s campuses.”

Last night, AIPAC showed us that it could indeed take over our college campuses, albeit as only a minority force which is capable of instilling fear in students of being anti-Israel, if not anti-Semitic, even though Israel is the source of human rights crimes against the Palestinian people.

Mondoweiss invited people to follow the voting on the UC Berkeley campus as well as the UC San Diego campus on divestment actions against companies that support the illegal occupation and colonization of Palestine and the inhuman Gaza siege.

Follow the UC divestment votes tonight

Both the UC Berkeley and UC San Diego Student Senates will be considering divestment bills tonight. Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), Nora Barrows-Friedman and Rae Abileah will be live tweeting the proceedings at Berkeley and students at UC San Diego are tweeting from their meeting as well. You can follow all of their reports below or on their twitter pages –

A final Twitter message from JVP was:

#ucbdivest: a hush in the room, 13-5 motion to override fails, veto is sustained

Human rights lost.

In a similar action at UC San Diego,

  1. voting yes for discharge, vote no to continue debate. Passes 13-10-4.
  2. senate considering to discharge to a committee. Currently voting..13-12-2 for discharging to separate committee to rewrite resolution.

Tabling a vote to committee is the same as voting “no”. The tabling appeared to be influenced by the fact that Israel was being singled out for human rights abuses, even though the divestment action was against companies helping Israel continue the military occupation.

So AIPAC won, even though it was a minority vote that sustained the resolutions. Israel escaped the inevitable, and there were indications from the student body that this fight is not over.