Progress Pond

WH Opposes Carper Amendment

It’s good to see the administration fighting back against Tom Carper’s amendment to the Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010. Tom Carper and few other Corporacrats (Mark Warner, Tim Johnson, and Evan Bayh) want to prevent state attorneys general from having stricter consumer protections from national banks than the federal government provides. This is one of the key fault lines between progressives and horrible Democrats. People can differ on matters of war and peace, or national security, or social issues, but when a Democrat sides with giant banks against consumers they are as worthless as a warm bucket of spit. I want to note that Tim Johnson (by seniority) is in line to take over the Banking Committee chair next year because Chris Dodd is retiring. Meanwhile, Carper won a coveted seat on the Finance Committee last year. These senators may be decent on some issues, but when the rubber meets the road, they will screw you harder than you’ve ever been screwed before. They are ‘bought’ senators…elitists…totally uncommitted to protecting the underclass.

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