{Cross-Posted at Lord of the Karmafishes}

Yesterday the Israeli navy confronted the “Freedom Flotilla” as it attempted to break the blockade of Gaza in a transparent propaganda ploy designed to whip up hatred for Israel.  It worked perfectly.  The Israelis informed the seagoing activists that they would not be allowed to proceed into Gaza and that they could unload whatever aid material they were carrying elsewhere to be inspected and then passed on to the Gaza strip.
The activists, seeking a confrontation, refused to be deterred and attacked Israeli soldiers as they sought to board one of the vessels.  The Israelis were attacked with clubs, knives, pipes and god knows what all.  

This is a video of Israeli soldiers getting clubbed on arrival.

The Israeli mistake was in assuming that the “non-violent peace people” had anything whatsoever to do with peace.  It was an intelligence failure.

The IDF seems to have boarded that boat expecting to find the likes of Cynthia McKinney. They didn’t.  Thus, the bloodshed.

The “non-violent peace people’s” mistake was in assuming that they could attack Israeli soldiers and not expect the IDF to fight back.

Around 10 people are dead.

Now, of course, American liberals are using the incident to spread hatred, which was the purpose of the confrontation to begin with.

On Daily Kos, the Heathlander has an essay atop the recommended list entitled, Israel massacres unarmed peace activists.  That the activists were not unarmed, that they initiated the violence, and that they are anything but “peace-activists” seems entirely irrelevant to the goal of stirring up hatred toward the Jewish state and, thus, toward Jews in general.

Meanwhile, over at Booman Tribune, the site owner has an essay suggesting that if Turkey launches a war against Israel over the incident that this would be Israel’s fault.

Well, now Israel has done it. They have actually provoked Turkey to the point that they may start a war over this incident massacre

And the Huffington Post, which always looks as if Photoshop puked all over its front page, has screaming red headlines, “ISRAEL STORMS AID SHIP IN INTERNATIONAL WATERS, 9 KILLED… INTERNATIONAL OUTCRY…”

The bottom line is this.  Israel is blockading Gaza because Gaza is run by Hamas, a genocidal theocratic organization devoted to the murder of Jews and that has sought continually to make good on that promise through suicide bombings and rocket attacks.  Nonetheless, these good hearted liberals demand that Israel lift the blockade thus allowing Hamas easy access not only to weaponry, but to the exposed throats of Israeli citizens.

And, now, because the IDF defended itself from these bloodthirsty “peace activists,” the American liberal-left is in full-throated cry demonizing and dehumanizing the Jewish state.
And, yet, we’re supposed to believe that these people are friends to the Jews?
That’s pretty funny.