See also BooMan’s fp story – Exceptionalism Stupid

As the World Cup starts, conservative media declare war on soccer.

Now it appears as if Glenn Beck has waged a war against the world cup which he sees as an indicative of Barack Obama’s policies.

    “Barack Obama’s policies are the World Cup.” In an extensive rant on the June 11 Glenn Beck Program, Beck purported to explain how President Obama’s policies “are the World Cup” of “political thought.” Beck stated, “It doesn’t matter how you try to sell it to us, it doesn’t matter how many celebrities you get, it doesn’t matter how many bars open early, it doesn’t matter how many beer commercials they run, we don’t want the World Cup, we don’t like the World Cup, we don’t like soccer, we want nothing to do with it.” Beck stated that likewise, “the rest of the world likes Barack Obama’s policies, we do not.

And it seems, from the comments of G. Gordon Liddy, that what they object to is the idea of America even joining the rest of the world in a competition; as America should embrace it’s own exceptionalism.

    G. Gordon Liddy: “Whatever happened to American exceptionalism?” Discussing soccer’s popularity in the U.S. on his June 10 program, G. Gordon Liddy asked, “Whatever happened to American exceptionalism?” Liddy noted that “this game … originated with the South American Indians and instead of a ball, they used to use the head, the decapitated head, of an enemy warrior.”

As always, Liddy is talking nonsense. Football originated in the public schools of England, and had nothing whatsoever to do with South American Indians and decapitated heads.

But MRC’s Dan Gainor gets a little nearer to the truth regarding why these people hate football so much.

    Also on the June 10 G. Gordon Liddy Show, Media Research Center’s Dan Gainor said, “the problem here is, soccer is designed as a poor man or poor woman’s sport” and that “the left is pushing it in schools across the country.” He added: “generally football games in this country don’t devolve into riots or wars.” He later added that the sport of soccer “is being sold” as necessary due to the “browning of America.”

Original article at Media Matters

  • England World Cup History (1950 – 1970)
    The Western Iowa Strategy by Booman

    It’s true that Rep. King is not a coward when it comes to race. He’s totally upfront about how much black people in power ‘offend’ him. And he did it on G. Gordon Liddy ‘s radio program. You probably know Liddy from his involvement in the Watergate break-in. You probably don’t know that he worshipped Hitler as a child and chose his wife because of her teutonic characteristics.

      When he listened to Hitler on the radio, it “made me feel a strength inside I had never known before,” he explains. “Hitler’s sheer animal confidence and power of will [entranced me]. He sent an electric current through my body.”

    [Some links added are mine - Oui]

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