Keith Olbermann is such a whiner. Someone said something mean and unsubstantiated about him on the internets, so he quits. You know, I miss the old Daily Kos, too. Not the one Olbermann went to to find encouragement during the late Bush years, but the one with a tight-knit community in the early Bush years. But, you know what? Those days are gone. Daily Kos is a big chaotic mess. It’s overrun with factions and trolls and it’s no longer true that the diaries are better than the front-page. Other than in my own cross-posted diaries, I haven’t read a comment thread in a diary at Daily Kos in a long time. It’s just jousting and noise with no real conversations taking place.

So, Olbermann noticed this, too. So he quit. He’s another one who should toughen up.