I don’t care about the NBA anymore and I haven’t in over a decade. I don’t care where LeBron James plays, although I was just interested enough to kind of hope he decided to stay in Cleveland. As for the Miami Heat, I can’t take the organization seriously. ‘Heat’ is not a name for a team. It’s not even plural. ‘What do you do for a living?’ ‘I’m a Heat.’ It’s ridiculous, and the same goes for the Orlando Magic. Stupid, stupid name. Here’s an idea. How about a team called the San Diego Bird. They even have a ready mascot.
In any case, maybe all the hype has annoyed me just enough to get interested in the NBA again. When the playoffs roll around, I might just tune in…to root against the Miami Heat.
I’m a new fan of the Cleveland Cavaliers, myself. I’ll definitely be rooting for them to do well, in LeBron’s absence.
LOL at your comments re the name. “I’m a Heat.” Indeed!! ๐
Hey, BooMan. Are you watching the World Cup game today? I’m sure you’re watching tomorrow. But I’m about to go catch today’s too. My prediction: Uruguay wants it more, and will win. Germany doesn’t feel like fighting for third. But we’ll see..!
NPR: “LeBron James as a Cleveland Cavalier – hometown boy makes good. James as a Miami Heat – just another overpaid jerk.”
Except where is there any evidence that LeBron has ever been a jerk?
As a Clevelander….quitting in game 5 was pretty jerky. But the epitome of jerky is the self-promotional, narcissistic, classless kiss-off of his hometown on national television. If he was a stock, it would have lost 70% of its value on that alone.
Agreed. The national-level ego event won him the asshole title.
And then there were the late, lamented NHL team, the Atlanta Flames.
A lot of us like basketball, at least the last two minutes of any game or the final series of the season. Like soccer, the play otherwise just goes back and forth, until in less than a minute, one side scores. Is that minute worth the wait? I know that it takes years of watching to come to this conclusion, that the ends do not justify the means; they justify themselves, those minutes or two.
Maybe the Heat could sign Mel Gibson, just to improve their likeability.
Well, the San Diego Padres are still in first. If their ridiculous 1998-ish luck holds, maybe they’ll be around in October for your precious Yanks to kick around. ๐
Heart of a Champion 2011
Rondo’s coming back with an outside shot I promise. J O’Neal is rejuvenated. KG is re-monstracized after knee surgery. IT’S ON. BRING IT.
Ahem, the Utah Jazz.
Are you trying to say mormons ain’t funky?
Not to hijack the thread, but when I’m made Ruler Of All Sports, teams will not be allowed to have patently ridiculous nicknames. No Lakers in Los Angeles. No Jazz in Utah.
And yes, this does mean no Redskins in Washington…or anywhere else, for that matter.
The masses here agree on all counts, massappeal.
Particularly silly, and unfortunate, is that not only is the name “Lakers” rather out of place in a region that’s semi-arid and in the midst of a years-long drought to boot, but the other major sports team also has an imported name, the Dodgers. Ditto for the (former-S.D) .Clippers, but no one cares because they’re the Donald Sterling-owned loser Clippers. When L.A. used to have pro football, again it was an import — the Rams. I think only the pro soccer team (the Galaxy) and pro hockey team (Kings) have original, indigenous names.
But the “Jazz” in Utah is about as jarring and anomalous a sports nickname for its place of any in history, as inappropriately and undeserved as the New Orleans Jazz was a perfect nickname-placename fit. Especially since the original NOJ featured the funkiest, jazziest, most improvisational player in the history of the NBA, Pistol Pete Maravich.