Recent Posts
- Day 14: Louisiana Senator Approvingly Compares Trump to Stalin
- Day 13: Elon Musk Flexes His Muscles
- Day 12: While Elon Musk Takes Over, We Podcast With Driftglass and Blue Gal
- Day 11: Harm of Fascist Regime’s Foreign Aid Freeze Comes Into View
- Day 10: The Fascist Regime Blames a Plane Crash on Nonwhite People
Hope everyone had a nice weekend! I spent some time recovering from the lack of sleep all last week. Still a little deprived, but definitely a little more functional today.
We had a nice time at the concert the other night, with all the CBs, and spent the evening hanging out with some old friends. Yesterday was a chill-out day, and I went to knitting group, where Finn got to see his friends the triplets. (I think he was a little overwhelmed by the sheer number of babies other than himself).
We watched Crazy Heart last night, which was excellent. And now it’s back to the old grind, but for a short week because I took Thursday and Friday off to go camping.
And tonight we’ll be discussing our mid-August midwestern swing as a family. 🙂
Sounds like you had a pretty good weekend. I spent mine doing errands and the like. Very little time relaxing. Sigh.
Aren’t we overdue for a Finn pic?
We blew off the errands and such this weekend…we’ll pay for it next weekend, I’m sure.
I think we are overdue for a Finn pic…I’ll be back after I upload something. 🙂
What kind of camera is that? That’s a stunning picture!!!
Thanks (I took the picture).
I use a Canon G9 which is a high-end point-and-shoot that offers a lot of manual control (such as aperture and shutter settings) and other nice features. It’s not available any more but Canon has another model called the G11 that has the same kinds of features plus some nice improvements.
That looks like a lamp from the 70’s.
It’s ten-thirty in the morning and the dogs have already cured-up and snuggled deep down into their beds for their respective day-long naps.
Acquired two new hens yesterday. A Barnevelder and a Gold-laced Wyandotte.
You might think that but actually it’s a Sputnik taken from a float in the Rose Bowl parade. 😉
The Barnevelder is handsome but that Wyandotte is just gorgeous — I love the pattern in the feathers.
Ah, the Sputnik and the Rose Bowl float, how could I forget that?
Yep, Wyandottes are my favorite. We’re getting a Silver laced one from the same young man as soon as he figures out which ones he’s keeping to show. Since we’re getting his “rejects” they’re not quite as spectacular as the “breed’s best” photos on the web, but we only want them for eggs, not breeding or showing, so his $10 ‘seconds’ are just fine with us.
The chickens and ducks are all a bit jumpy at the moment since the flock has to figure out an expanded pecking order.
I got cold and drizzle, what have you got?
I love Wyandottes. Had a silver-laced on until the fox ate him…
Um, her, the foz ate her…must be from living with all these boys…
It’s OK, I figured out what you meant.
Ours is a heavily estrogenated household. We have one male rabbit (neutered) and one male alpaca (also neutered). Only Harold the Roster still has his gonads. Everyone else is a girl.
The gold-laced Wyandotte is only a pullet and so far seems the friendlier of the two.`We are going to let Imogen’s mother name them, so don’ be surprised if they end up Henrietta and Petunia, or some such thing.
Maybe the new chickens will inspire you to do some Thursday Critter Blogging. I’ve sure been missing seeing all your menagerie.
We got heat and humidity plus some more heat and a lot more humidity.
Entirely possible.
I thought perhaps the camp had opened up a few days for intergalactic campers. I’ve never seen one of those – interesting.
I’ve never seen an intergalactic camper either.
You’ve obviously never been to Roswell.
More muginess with the addition of t-storms. We need the rain but it looks like sunset outside. Not a good way to start the day.
Me, I’m enjoying the rain today. It’s much cooler up here on the mountain than it was last week. Plus, I don’t feel pressured to take care of outside chores.
Not a bad birthday present, really. Otherwise I’d just feel really old.
Is it your birthday? I hope it was happy, WW.
Thanks, lusciousness!
As for my birthday: meh. I don’t like the number 50.
I got there 6 months ago. My family was uber-thoughtful, however, and had a surprise 50th birthday party for me when I was only 49 1/2. I know it’s the thought that counts, but it felt so so so wrong.
No doubt.
As for me, a birthday party would’ve felt wrong on the day.
Happy birthday WW!
Thank you, b2!
May the valley rain make both our gardens grow.
Happy birthday!
Many thanks, CG!
And many more!
I thank you, Miss Andi!
It occurs to me that there’s no way at all I can be considered a ‘wench’ any more. I may have to close my account & reappear as something like The Woodland Hag.
Nah, you don’t need to change a thing — being a wench is a state of mind, not age.
I liked my 50th birthday — saying I’ve been alive for a half-century sounded so cool. 🙂
And this year, I’m turning 60 — maybe I should change my screen name to the Cantankerous Crone. 😉
I used to use the tag line captious curmudgeon fomenting Lesbian Nation, but nobody knew what I meant.
Well at that time, you just must not have been hanging around the right places. 🙂
If I could work “obstreperous” into a handle, I would.
Ah, but AndiF is easier . At our age we have to take things easy.
True, plus cantankerous is one of those words that makes me stop and think “is that spelled right”.
I think that about all words.
Happy, belated, birthday!
I don’t suppose there’s any cake left?
Thanks for birthday wishes, Jim! Can’t do cake, unfortunately.
Can’t drink either.
You’ll just have to make do out there in Brown County without me!
May you never have to work so hard to get over the hump*.
click for larger
* yes that really is a hiking trail.
Wow. A hiking trail for mountain goats, yes?
As far as Jim and I could tell, in New Hampshire, the more miserable the trail, the better they think it is. We theorize that it is their Puritan heritage leading them to believe people should not get to enjoy anything unless they’ve suffered thoroughly beforehand.
And here I was thinking that that was a dry river bed, like the so-called “trail” I once hiked into Havasupi.
Nope, it’s an actual contstructed trail.
Now I’m off to walk a sane midwestern trail.
P.S. I have complete faith in your ability to work obstreperous in and use the spellchecker to know it’s spelled right. 😉
Looks like a haven for those of the orthopedic medical persuasion.
For the first time in my life, I found myself really wanting to get a foot massage and a pedicure. I don’t think my feet have ever been that beat up before.
Sounds like my former in-laws, who coincidentally or not, live in NH. 🙂
I’m looking at that and thinking about broken leg stories.
Sounds like your divorce for was twofer.
It’s kind of sad, there was no one I was sorry to see go…
Hump day is friday for me…but the baby was up every half hour for four hours last night (then I got wise and put him in his swing – he’s still asleep now).
I woke up to someone suggesting I have a foul mouth and curse every third word on the front page of some guy’s blog.. ugh.
What kind of a fuckwad would do that?? 🙂
Really fucking pissed me off…the shit I put up with. 🙂
Shit and snoring!?! — you’re a saint, a fucking saint.
In the immortal words of Mel Gibson: “How dare you act like such a b*ch, when I’ve been so f*king nice?” “I deserve to be blown first! Before the f*cking Jacuzzi! Ok, I’ll burn the goddamn house up, but blow me first! How dare you!??!”
As bad as that reads, the audio is something else entirely.
It reads kind of funny, but the audio is just chilling and horrifying.
yeah, the hyperventilating about a lack of blow-job is something I didn’t think occurred in nature.
No, that part was believable.
live and learn.
OMG, “I’ve been so nice to you, I deserve a blowjob” while hyperventilating and hissing. What an ass.
This seems so pathetic it’s almost funny.
Bring it to the Lord, Mel.
I guess this means there won’t be a “What Women Want 2”
At last, a upside to this.
Heh. Said person got a scolding email from his mother about the language…
Don’t you hate when that happens?
you have no idea… 😉
The return of “The Blue Dot?”
And my — Blue Dot certainly has gotten much, much taller.
A full day here today. Isn’t there an easier way?
I’m not ignoring my promise to Andi to post a Dog Blog, I have however been hampered by that diabolical combination of men and heavy machinery – who, while installing new water lines yesterday, cut through our phone line.
I wasn’t really expecting you to just pop up and do one this week; I was just putting my bid in for one in the comings week — so getting one would have a been a really pleasant surprise. But now I’m primed for whenever it does show up.
Ah men and machines — my favorite was when a truck overloaded with logs caught the powerline as it crossed the road and took it and a pole 200 feet or so down the road before they realized what they’d done.
Yikes! That’s scary.
I’ve never seen the repair guys so po’ed — dragging a the line and pole like that really tore things up and they had a lot of work to do to get it back together.
Oh my. Boys & their toys ..
Given what those overloaded trucks do to the roads, this was definitely a case of adding insult to injury.
No love lost among the county road repair guys either. Sad how some loggers leave the woods (and roads) like a tornado went through and others you can barely tell they were there.
It seems like they ought to have to pay some sort of fee, considering how they tear up the roads.
Pumpkin’s Progress
Looks great!!!
I know I have been missing in action for quite awhile. I hope everyone is doing well!!! I was in the hospital a couple of months back for pneumonia and just got out of the habit of checking in. I am doing much better now and finally have my strength back.
With all that, there is some good news. I will be going back to school this fall at Austin Community College. I will be starting the Applied Science Degree in Photography. The course is two years long but I have gotten full funding including books and tools. I’m kind of excited and nervous to say the least after being out of school since 1985. LOL
I am also ging to Netroots Nation this coming week and hope anyone who is going will get in touch with me. You can email me at my handle at gmail . com. I was thinking we could share cell phone numbers so we can meet up easier. I promise I will be in a better frame of mind and not lose my cool as I am taking all my meds. LOL
Great to have you back, rf69! Sorry to hear about your pneumonia. There has been an abnormally high amount of that and other lung disorders here as well, according to a nearby hospital. Good news on the back to school decision. I would just go full time if I had a patron to support me.
Thanks!!! I know it will be lots of work but also fun being back in school full time.
I’m glad to hear you have recovered and big congrats on your new adventure — getting a photography degree sounds wonderful. Hope you have a fine time at NN.
Hiya Miss Andi!!! I am looking forward to taking the photography classes. I have been learning a lot on my own but look forward to learning a lot more in school. I think NN will be a blast. I wish you were going to be there.
Congratulations! And good luck with school!
Congrats on the school! That’s so exciting!
… mostly as an abstraction (or is that distraction?).
click for larger
Two mints in one. 😉
Having gone through the day now — I’m going for distraction. I really want something to take my mind off the heat and humidity. Yuck, yuck, yuck.
But it’s all I’ve got at the moment.
That’s an excellently amusing distraction. Thanks.
Nice! Channeling the impressionists?
Not me — the water. 🙂