A coalition of over 150 social justice and public interest groups has come together to call for job creation and investment in opportunity, including for the country’s hardest hit communities. They’ll launch their call in a march on Washington October 2, 2010. It’s the right call at the right time.

The Washington Post reported  this week that a coalition of over 150 social justice and public  interest groups has come together to call for job creation and  investment in opportunity, including for the country’s hardest hit  communities.  They’ll launch their call in a march on Washington October  2, 2010.  It’s the right call at the right time.
With 15 million Americans out of work, and tens of millions more  underemployed or living paycheck to paycheck, restoring economic  security through job creation has to be America’s top priority.  And  given that unemployment among African Americans and Latinos is hovering  around 15%, there must be attention to ensuring equal opportunity and an  economy that works for all of our nation’s communities.

There is broad economic consensus that the Recovery Act and related  initiatives have brought us back from the brink of another Great  Depression.  But the scope of the problem we face requires additional,  more focused solutions.  Many of those solutions are readily at hand,  like the Local Jobs for America Act, which would create 1 million jobs  this year, including in communities with the highest levels of  joblessness.

The voices in Congress who have halted investment in jobs, as well as  in unemployment benefits and support to struggling states, have focused  on the deficit.  That concern is real, but misplaced.  Economists  across the ideological spectrum agree that we should prioritize public  investment in job creation today, while putting in place a longer-term  strategy for debt reduction.  Indeed, putting Americans back to work is  crucial to the economic growth and revenue we’ll need to close the  deficit.

As thousands of Americans prepare to march for jobs and opportunity  on October 2nd, they have our national interest, our shared values, and  the spirit of American ingenuity and problem solving on their side.   Let’s hope the White House and congressional leadership are there with  them as well.

Read more at The Opportunity Agenda website.