Hello again painting fans.

This week I’ll be continuing with the Arizona saguaro painting. The photo that I will be using is seen directly below.

I will be using my usual acrylics on a 5 by 5 inch gallery-style canvas.(This is a thicker canvas similar to the one used in the Cape May 2nd Empire house painted just prior to this piece.)

When last seen, the painting appeared as it does in the photo directly below.

Since that time I have continued to work on the painting.

I’ve continued to work on the lower area of the canvas. I’ve added brush (as opposed to one individual’s fetish with clearing it) and grassy details with their respective shadows. I’ve also revised the cacti. They now appear heavily shadowed with just one highlighted edge to the left.

The painting is now done. Note that only 3 colors have been used, blue, yellow and white. Perfect for a color blind painter.

The current and final state of the painting is seen in the photo directly below.

That’s about it for now. Next week I’ll have a new painting to show you. See you then. As always, feel free to add photos of your own work in the comments section below.

Earlier paintings in this series can be seen here.