Hello again painting fans.
This week I’ll be continuing with the Arizona saguaro painting. The photo that I will be using is seen directly below.
I will be using my usual acrylics on a 5 by 5 inch gallery-style canvas.(This is a thicker canvas similar to the one used in the Cape May 2nd Empire house painted just prior to this piece.)
When last seen, the painting appeared as it does in the photo directly below.
Since that time I have continued to work on the painting.
I’ve continued to work on the lower area of the canvas. I’ve added brush (as opposed to one individual’s fetish with clearing it) and grassy details with their respective shadows. I’ve also revised the cacti. They now appear heavily shadowed with just one highlighted edge to the left.
The painting is now done. Note that only 3 colors have been used, blue, yellow and white. Perfect for a color blind painter.
The current and final state of the painting is seen in the photo directly below.
That’s about it for now. Next week I’ll have a new painting to show you. See you then. As always, feel free to add photos of your own work in the comments section below.
Earlier paintings in this series can be seen here.
Paint me a picture of your thoughts.
Wow! That was speedy, b2! Soon you’ll need a room addition to display all the new work. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Thanks ID! Yeah, these things are starting to pile up. 😉
I`ll be right back, to show you my canvas.
One of my cactus, (similar to yours in the painting) blossomed last night.
Here are a few shots I took last night.
I also caught a bee getting sexy.
This cactus is over 8′ tall.
Amazing canvas, Knucklehead! So many blooms on one cactus. They ought to make that bee pretty happy.
The bee may be happy, but I`m ecstatic that my new cactus garden is doing so well.
Second Nature,
I get as excited about my cactus blooms as I do about my fish having babies. Actually, it depends if it`s the first brood of my fish. Sometimes the fish can be followed from eggs to babies over 18 days by watching the male Bangaii who carries the eggs in it`s mouth till they hatch, then carries the (mini me`s) for 4/5 more days. The dad does not eat till they are finally free, while mom doesn`t do a damn thing. Talk about stereotypical role reversal.
On the other hand, my cactus blooms last only hours.
Now that I got that over with, I have to say that this is one of your more rapidly evolving canvases.
The change from week to week is really amazing.
On the other hand, I have to wait for a whole year to see this cactus bloom again.
Luckily I have many different species, & that they don`t necessarily bloom at the same time.
Sadly though one other of my extra specials, bloomed last night in it`s secret spot.
As fate would have it, Teri woke me early this morning to alert me to it.
I did get a few shots of it, & now it is just a wilted ghost of it`s morning beauty.
Here it is.
I usually only have 8 hours to appreciate my cactus blooms & 7 of those hours are in the dark of night.