I can’t believe I missed this, and I didn’t see a diary on it so here goes. Ben Shapiro, esteemed conservative pundit and Regnery author of books like Porn Generation: How Social Liberalism Is Corrupting Our Future, says it isn’t the Tea Party or Andrew Brietbart or AZ Gov. Jan Brewer or Sheriff Arpaio who are are the racist instigators, it’s Barack Obama.
And worse, Obama is aiming to start a race war by enabling the real racists, African Americans and Hispanic Americans to to terrorize white people in a neighborhood near you:
The Obama administration is racist. They are using that racism to let black criminals off the hook, justify illegal immigration, hamstring law enforcement across the country, and push redistribution as a solution to supposed continuing discrimination against “people of color.” The predictable result of this policy will resemble the results of the 1876 election: federal abdication on racial violence, state abdication on racial violence and local abdication on racial violence. The next race war will come not from racist whites, but from racist blacks and Hispanics who feel empowered to act on their racism by an administration that excuses all minority misbehavior.
Take that in for a moment. In the last month we’ve seen a coordinated attack on a real civil right hero Shirley Sherrod by serial defamation artist, Andrew Breitbart and his partner in crime, Fox News. Breitbart has yet to apologize for his at a minimum, unethical behavior, and Fox News’ entertainer Bill O’Reilly’s “apology” was simply an excuse to assassinate Ms Sherrod’s character even more:
He also pointed out that she is a “long-time liberal activist who actually sued the Department of Agriculture and won $300,000″ and that, “even knowing that, the Obama administration hired her in 2009.” He concludes that, despite the fact that she was treated unfairly, there are other elements to her story that make her ineligible to serve in the government. “Should she be doing the people’s business with that resume?” he concluded. “I don’t think so.”
Yet Ben Shapiro, a little weasel of white privilege who obviously thinks black people are stupid for supporting President Obama as much as they do instead of say, Sarah Palin, feels free to ignore the race baiting tactics of scum like Breitbart, the legions of racists in the Tea Party ranks and the antics of Sheriff “The Only Good Messican is a Dead Messican” Arpaio, and lay the blame for all the racial division in our country at the feet of President Obama.
Ben, even for a “I’ll Say Anything to Get My Money From the Conservative Welfare Gravy Train” conservative parasite like you, that takes a lot of chutzpah. Especially when the Federal Judge who enjoined enforcemnent of most provisions of Arizona’s racist anti-imigration law has been receiving death threats out the wazoo.
The federal court judge who ruled last week that parts of Arizona’s new immigration law are unconstitutional has been “inundated” with death threats, reports the Chicago Sun-Times.
US Marshal David Gonzales told the newspaper the threats began within hours of District Judge Susan Bolton’s decision to block the most controversial parts of the law, including the clause that orders police to verify people’s immigrant status while investigating other crimes.
I’m sure all those nasty folks calling for Judge Bolton’s murder are black and Hispanic gang members that Obama has encouraged to be upset because she she didn’t ban the entire bill, right Ben?
Though there is one thing I agree with in Ben’s otherwise execrable screed. Only one thing. Here it is:
Racial violence can only flourish with the approval or apathy of federal, state and local government.
Ben was referring to the rise of the KKK, Jim Crow and the oppression and even outright lynching of African Americans in the South after Reconstruction ended. And that was a horrific and ugly chapter in American History, a continuation of slavery by other means.
But Ben only mentions it for one reason: to tar the Obama administration with the same brush of white racism against minorities in American history that extends from 1619, the ethnic cleansing of Native Americans, the Civil War, racist immigration laws that banned Asians from coming to America, Jim Crow, the violence of the KKK, Lynching, George Wallace, the Birmingham bombings, down to the present day where “kindly, gentle, not a racist bone in their body” white Tea Partiers spat upon and called African American Congressmen like Emanuel Cleaver and Civil Rights Hero John Lewis “N**gg**rs” because health care reform passed.
So, to be clear, Ben Shapiro is comparing the current Obama administration, African Americans and Hispanics to the KKK and racist state governments during the Jim Crow era. Instead of looking at the well documented actions of those with whom he has chosen to align himself, he sees the entire problem of race in America today as being the result of a coordinated effort run out of the White House to start a race war.
I can’t say there was a time when idiots, political opportunists and race-baiters like Brietbart, Fox News and Shapiro didn’t exist, because frankly they have been and will always be with us. But it is sad that in today’s media environment they have so many opportunities to promote their lies and slanders 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Dear Ben, you are either a very delusional person who sees everything through the “prism of race” or scummy little con artist making your way in the world because powerful people with money want to promote a message of hate against African Americans and Hispanics to distract our nation from its very real problems and you are their willing stenographer. . In either case, you’re as worthless as a tar ball washing up on the Gulf Coast beaches this summer and far more toxic.
Dude was born when I was a freshman in high school and appears to be exceptionally bright. He was recruited into the cause at an early age. May he grow a conscience in proportion to his intellect.
How can a guy skip grades like that yet be so stupid? I’m gonna have to go look at see if he’s been targeted by TBogg yet. He’s painting a big target on himself.
Ben Shapiro doesn’t say at all what happened before 1876:
Red Shirts
White League
Ku Klux Klan
Context? We don’t need no stinkin’ context…
Sounds to me that Ben Shapiro wants a race war and is willing to agitate to that end. Who would have thought that a black man elected to the highest office in the land would elicit this type of vitriolic hatred even by such banal characters like Ben Shapiro. Poor Ben’s vision of white superiority went up in smoke and he wants revenge.
See my diary …
Henri Tajfel and Social Categories – Bigotry and Prejudice
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
There’s a race war going on? How did I not know about this? Dude.
I don’t get why some conservatives assume when a black person reaches a position of power, they’ll do the same thing they’ve always had done to them.
Projection, much?
It’s just the old wife beater’s dodge: “It’s her fault. If she just would have kept the kitchen counters a little cleaner I wouldn’t have had to beat the hell out of her every day for the past three years.”
These people are pathological sociopaths.