Progress Pond

Bans on Gay Marriage Ruled Unconstitutional

Actually quite tame by Newt’s standards:

“Judge Walker’s ruling overturning Prop 8 is an outrageous disrespect for our Constitution and for the majority of people of the United States who believe marriage is the union of husband and wife. In every state of the union from California to Maine to Georgia, where the people have had a chance to vote they’ve affirmed that marriage is the union of one man and one woman. Congress now has the responsibility to act immediately to reaffirm marriage as a union of one man and one woman as our national policy. Today’s notorious decision also underscores the importance of the Senate vote tomorrow on the nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court because judges who oppose the American people are a growing threat to our society.”

Here’s part of interview National Review did with the executive director of the National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown.

Q: What’s next for marriage in California?

A: This will go to the Supreme Court, where we expect to win. Remember that originally, the gay legal establishment opposed this case, because they fear what we anticipate: that they don’t yet have five votes for a constitutional right to gay marriage. Two lawyers with very big egos (Olson and Boies) pushed this case over more sober heads, and I think in the end gay-marriage advocates will regret that they did. If the Supreme Court fails to act to protect our right to vote for marriage, Congress will have to step in with some kind of amendment.

Q: What’s next for marriage, period?

A: Let me promise you one thing: This is going to light a fire for November among voters who care about marriage. In just three years, NOM has grown from nothing to 35,000 donors, 700,000 activists, and (last year) a budget of $9 million. We are going to raise a lot of money and attract a lot of activists, and we are going to use them to make a difference this November.

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