If alienating the Latino vote is guaranteed to kill the Republican Party in future elections, why are they going so overboard to do it?

Well, what gets the biggest applause line in this little GOP get-together? [hint: it comes at about the 5:30 minute mark].

The whole episode is a pathetic little window into the diseased mind of the right-wing base. I don’t mind the eager citizen quality of Marg Baker’s outsider campaign. I respect her getting off her duff and trying to do something about the direction of the country. No, what I mind is the reaction of the people gathered together in that room. They’re the people forcing the GOP so far to the right. They are ones who are nominating nut-jobs for positions in high office. And they cheer when a confused realtor tells them that her plan for immigration reform is to round up Latinos into internment camps. Talk about the banality of evil. It doesn’t get any more banal that that video.

But that’s the road down which the GOP is currently careening. And it doesn’t matter that the bridge is out. There’s a long stretch of road ahead before we get to that bridge.