In a rather strange and rambling column in which Maureen Dowd manages to attack Robert Gibbs, the “lefties” and Obama all at the same time there is a single nugget of truth or near truth where she quotes Gibbs recent outburst against the adminsitration’s critics:
He said the president’s lefty critics “ought to be drug-tested,” would only “be satisfied when we have Canadian health care …
Now I don’t know about the drug testing part, but the rest is mostly true at least from my perspective. Having recently visited a friend in Canada with a severe chronic illness I was struck by the differences between the health care system in America, even as reformed, and the Canadian single payer system.
As I’ve written about before, I have a chronic auto-immune disorder which has caused me innumerable difficulties in obtaining permission to see specialists, obtain the latest medications and, if granted permission to receive them afford my portion of their cost.
This is not the case in Canada which does have a true single payer system and which, by the way, ranks higher than the United states an any number of measures of overall health. My friend sees her doctor whenever she wishes and receives new medicines when they are still under patent. Indeed that fact alone has made a big difference in her day to day life since she was given a newer, more expensive, but much more effective medication for her condition without any bureaucrat coming between her and her doctor’s decision.
Yes, sometimes she has waits for specialists, but so do I under the US health care system and based on what she told me the waits are comparable to mine or less. And I am forced to take out of date treatments for my condition because those medications are now off patent and generic. My medications were first used in the 60’s and often have extremely negative side effects, while she has access to the latest treatments.
Who in their right mind, not just “lefties,” would prefer a system that doesn’t insert its own judgment as to medical treatment for that of the doctor and patient? Heck, most Americans were in favor of a “public option” to compete with the private sector monopolists and I don’t believe we can call the majority of Americans leftists.
When I told my friend what we paid in medical costs last year between insurance premiums and co-pays (roughly $20,000 — in addition to my troubles, my wife is a pancreatic cancer survivor with severe after effects from her treatment for that including brain trauma and Type 1 Diabetes) she and her husband were flabbergasted. Their medical costs are microscopic in proportion to ours and mostly involve transportation to and from the doctor.
So my question to Maureen Dowd and Robert Gibbs is why is a “single payer” health care system a dirty word (for that is how Gibbs intended to use it in his attacks on the administration’s critics from the left)? Because “lefties” want it? Ask any Canadian if they would prefer changing their system to one like ours. Whether they consider themselves left, right or middle politically, I’d bet the vast majority would say No! emphatically.
Hell, my primary care physician laughs when I mention the US health care reform legislation because in his eyes it does far too little to really cut costs or change the system. And he is no leftist.
Yet here in America with a Democratic President and majorities in both houses of Congress we cannot get even a public option. Now to be fair this is not entirely the fault of the President. It is a systemic flaw in the way we finance our campaigns and allow corporations to overwhelm the system with lobbyists, many of whom were former politicians or served on their staffs, and flood the airwaves with ads attacking common sense solutions that will cut into their bottom line.
But to for a high Democratic administration official to criticize a progressive policy idea as somehow being “dirty” or “ridiculous” is absurd. And for Gibbs and Dowd to both agree with the negative connotations given to that term (“Canadian health care” or “single payer” — take your pick) shows how far our political discourse has fallen, how detached from even suggesting government can be a primary force to solve critical human problems such as public health and how insane we must appear as a country to every other western developed nation who provides better health care to their citizens.
I’m a member of Japan’s national health care system. It’s a no frills system in a country of 127,000,000 people. Beds in hospitals are on a ward system. The look of a hospital ward resembles military hospitals depicted in films on World War II, bed after bed along a wall.
For a wisdom tooth extraction a few years back, that involved some intensive dental surgery, I was sitting in a dental chair surrounded by other dental chairs, about ten in all. We all shared one dental surgeon who would make the rounds of the various patients as his orderlies and dental assistants would do most of the major prep.I felt no pain after the surgery, and the extraction went very well.
The Japanese system is cost efficient, but it’s almost a little too stingy. I’ve taught some nurses English over the years, and they tell me that they have to do most of the housekeeping in addition to their nursing duties. Nursing is seen as an unglamorous profession, although nurses are paid well. Still, all members of society are covered, and kept healthy, so even with the extra responsibilities saddled on to the nursing staff, the Japanese are keeping costs down. The aging population with half the population over 60 is a whole other concern regarding social security.
MoDo has a nasty habit of swinging from tree to tree picking what she likes to think of as low hanging fruit. She seems to think she’s completed a thought as long as it has a snicker at the end. And apparently alot of readers seem to think all that life needs is a snicker to make the world turn.
Whilst some of us join you in the discouraging adventure of searching for even one answer in our health care, most Americans don’t understand that their time is acomin’ and that it’s a whole lot easier to workout the kinks in a system while you’re healthy than when your mind is striken by pain & medication.
What is truly discouraging is that I’m intrigued by the single payer Canadian system and from my Canadian friends I hear all about its flaws, but what happened to us is that instead of looking at their system and asking how can we make it better and make it our own, instead we let it be labeled as socialist.
So now we’ll be unhealthy or even dying capitalists rather than healthy socialists
It’s really very simple. Sometime back during the Reagan Administration, the Democratic Party made a decision that the US is and always will be a “center-right” country. This is a message the “liberal media” enforce every day and Democrats listen to more closely than any other group in the country. Two straight huge victories screaming for them to bring change made no impact whatsoever on their scared little brains and their weary little souls.
It’s really very simple. Sometime back during the Reagan Administration, the Democratic Party made a decision that the US is and always will be a “center-right” country.
I think Tony Coehlo(remember him?!?) doomed the Democratic Party. Why? Because he was one of the first DCCC chairs(or similiar such position) that sold out the Democratic Party for the money. Meaning, he relied on corporations to help raise funds instead of the actual people he was supposed to be working for.
Don’t underestimate the impact that fundraisers – the professional Democrats who actually go out and put together call time, events und zo weiter – have on the Democrats’ decision to become the OTHER Money Party. It is just a pantsload easier to raise $100,000 from 100 x $1,000 donors than from 1,000 x $100 donors. Some days I think it would be better to just return to the days of Mark Hanna bringing McKinley $1,000,000 check to his house and telling him to relax.
The problem, I fear, with the left is not that they are wrong about the issues, but that they fail to see how under-educated and ill-informed the mass of Americans are. So what is on their agenda doesn’t have the votes because the public just can’t seem to understand issues that are more complex than “bring ’em on” or “you’re either with us or against us.” No critical thinking, no serious and supported argumentation, no long-standing interest in facts or fact-checking. Instead we have civic illiteracy or disinterest. And those of us here, reading this blog, don’t fall into that category.
This morning there is a piece in the NY Times about “independents” moving away from the Democrats. I’m starting to believe that an independent is someone who isn’t paying any attention.
Thank you. Republicans say the same things – “Government is the enemy” “tax breaks lead to more revenue and investment” – for decades. Since it is not the job of cynical, hard-bitten “journalists” to point out that this is horse$h*t, this stuff can be repeated forever. Democrats figure if Krugman covered it a column in the Times, everyone knows about it. In other words, Democrats never noticed when the game changed during the Reagan years and the press decided journalism was nothing more than “balancing the truth with a lie,” as Edward R. Murrow called it.
I hate to have to keep reminding people that Dowd began her career at The Grey Lady as a “society” gossip columnist and her track record as a political pundit is extremely spotty. Why does she have any cred these days?
Why does she have any cred these days?
Because that doesn’t matter to the Sulzberger’s. Just look at half their op-ed columnists.
We do not appear to be an insane country, we are an insane country. Look around you. Sane countries put folks like Cal Thomas in the psych ward, not the op-ed page.
No on drug testing.
Yes on Canadian health care system.
points about the Obama and Gibbs whinefest:
This is an easy criticism to make, since you don’t have to propose any meaningful solutions. Looking backward, how about the stimulus to save job/create jobs? How about the cash for clunkers? How about saving the financial system from collapse. How about extending unemployment benefits? How about the billions just approved for teachers, firemen, etc.? Should we just overlook this because there isn’t full employment?
The Fed has interest rates at zero. Companies have trillions in reserves. So what’s wrong? NO DEMAND. The president can’t do much about that. It just takes time for you to get sick of your car, or sofa, or until your microwave explodes and you need to replace it. It just takes time to decide that the 4 or so percent that people are now saving might be well-invested in repairs and improvements at home, ie., to reinvest in their major item of net worth (and thus sparking demand at Home Depot and Lowe’s and carpet stores and thousands of other businesses.
But until demand grows there is nothing the president can do.
If you have a better idea, let us all know. Bob Herbert too.
influential and powerful year of his presidency passing a piece-of-shit healthcare plan and gave no visible and public attention to massive job creation.
Again, what would you have him do? WPA? Try getting that past the republicans! Rather than just carping, give some ideas.
And health care reform will long-term create lots and lots of jobs, don’t you think???
can be gotten “past the Republicans”? Obama did not try. He did not PROPOSE anything like WPA. If you lay low because you don’t think the Republicans like your ideas that doesn’t make you much of a leader.
Stop blaming the Republicans! I’m so sick and tired of hearing and seeing that absurd cop-out. The minority is allowed to do what the majority allows it to, especially in the House. If you believe that the D’s and R’s aren’t working in tandem (good cop, bad cop), then you’re far too naive. Both the Executive (Obama, sorry guys) and Legislative (Congress) are to blame, not just Republicans.
Ask yourself one question if you don’t believe me: why isn’t the DCCC going after Boehner and supporting his grassroots challenger in Ohio? Boehner’s extremely vulnerable (Bailout!) but the Dems are leaving him alone, actually tacitly helping his reelection It’s because the D’s and R’s, when the cameras are off, work together and are extremely cordial, even congenial–heck, they’re paramours.
So, please, stop issuing that sad, self-pitying talking point. They are all to blame. And sorry to say that Obama doesn’t come out of this debacle nearly as clean as his extreme supporters wish him to.
The John Boehner who got re-elected with nearly 69% of the vote in 2008 is vulnerable this year?
Not buying it.
If you haven’t noticed, it’s not 2008 anymore. He engineered the much derided bailouts. He is (or was) vulnerable. But because the DCCC chucked the Howard Dean’s extremely successful 50-state strategy in favor of Emanuel’s “successful” corporate whore-recruitment strategy (circa 2004), he’s being protected.
There was such a poll earlier this year. IIRC, some 70+% of all Canadians preferred their system to ours. That rose to 80+% in Quebec. I was surprised that it was that low, but maybe some romanticize the US system. i.e. “I can doctor shop for an elective operation”. Sure, if you can pay for it!
We like to complain. I think Michael Moore called us ‘ingrates.’ Excepté le Québec.
This may be the only time in my life I agree with Maureen Dowd about anything albeit agreement with only a snippet of the column I mostly disagree with, “The lefties came to the defense of the centrist Clinton during impeachment. Now that Obama is under attack, however, they are not coming to his defense, even though he has given more to the liberal cause than the scandal-stunted Clinton ultimately achieved.” ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! The only quibble I have with that statement is that she didn’t ask why? Black folks like me know the answer: Race. White liberals can talk as much shit as they want about their values for diversity and how they “worked their asses off for Obama,” but it’s pure and classic white liberal racial opportunism. You only got on the Obama band wagon when your conservative Democrat turned raging populist fraud and straight up bitch of candidate, Edwards, flamed out. You got on the band wagon of a winner so you could take false credit for the win and co-op the progress of Black folks, as you always have.
When the white liberal left expresses more animous for the black President who hasn’t ended DADT than the white President who enacted DADT, it doesn’t take a leap to see your true colors or rather how you truly see color.
See all the Bob Herbert columns critical of Obama. Is he a liberal racial opportunist?
Grow up.
You’re WRONG! I’m just as black as you but I see Obama for who and what he is and I fail to idealize him and I will not blindly pay allegiance to his considerably strong tribe. It’s not racism. Clinton didn’t preside over such disaster. (Clinton was his own private disaster, but I digress.) Clinton presided over boom times and passed some bad legislation but times were so good (for the People Who Matter) that the bad things were given a pass. Obama is presiding over a crisis and is making deals to do the MINIMUM. See the difference? Clinton was given a pass because times were different. But this president claimed to be different and to want to CHANGE THE GAME, not FIGHT to work within it.
The liberals like me are crestfallen and scorned to see that Obama squandered such ENORMOUS goodwill on half measures, silly press releases and–let’s say it again–BIPARTISANSHIP and fuzzy feelings with the Republicans with whom he feels true affinity. That’s where the anger comes from, at where I’m concerned. I categorically refuse to join the other blacks in singing Kumbaya and making excuses for his flop of a president who is more interested in deal-making and passing thousands of toothless bills and trying to rouse applause than passing good bills.
So tell your tribe to stop feeling sorry for itself. Obama is under siege but it’s his own doing. See those flying feathers? Those are chickens coming home to roost.
I suppose this is where I’m supposed to chime in and say that both of you are wrong. It’s certainly possible that the PUMAs are at least in part motivated by race, but I think that they would be equally venomous towards anyone else if he or she had vanquished their heroine Hillary. And it is certainly true that Obama is interested in deal-making – his track record is abundantly clear on that matter and it was just as clear in 2007 when he began running for president. The only ones who should be crestfallen are those who expected Obama to be their personal avatar – the embodiment of multiculturalism isn’t exactly predisposed to ramming his point of view down opponents’ throats, certainly not as a first option.
Alan Grayson he aint.
No, this is a man who seeks mutual understanding, who makes it difficult (though certainly not impossible) for his enemies to demonize him, and who knows how to count votes. I would love a single-payer system, but show me 60 Senators and 218 Representatives who would vote for it. The votes simply aren’t there for it. I would love to nationalize the banks and the Fed, but show me even 10 Senators or 100 Representatives who would vote for that.
As President of the United States Obama has to make decisions, and some of them have been wrong from where I sit – particularly regarding civil liberties – but crestfallen I’m not. At the end of the day I’m good, and so is the president.
Don’t let the DC talking points blind you to that reality…
Go back and look at Obama’s fund raising in 2007 – that wasn’t Black folks…
Canada has a better health care system – fact. What western and some lesser countries dont?
In part they pay less BECAUSE we pay more. Because of the prices, the US finances a lot of medical innovation and also makes it easier for medicine to be cheaper elsewhere because the profit margins for the companies get made up in America.
Well not according to my brother who works in the pharmaceutical industry. They get paid plenty and their profit margins are just fine in Europe and Canada because the Europeans subsidize the cost of medicines. He laughed at me when I told him this argument was the standard justification for maintaining our system.
I’m not arguing for maintaining our system. I opposed and still DO oppose Obama’s Romney Care from the left. My point is that Canada’s costs will rise if we ever actually move into the present with national health care.
I’m fine with that, but the Canadians are going to be a little pissed. Haha.
Excuse me? I’ve been keeping track of major new medical breakthroughs coming from Canada, especially in cancer research, to send to my brother who used to claim that ‘socialized’ medicine killed incentive. He isn’t saying that anymore.
Steven, thank you so much for sharing this. I’m not sure, but I guess some day Americans will finally realize that health care is a human right.