
Booman writes in his complaint piece about the primary results Loonies Win the Night:

The Republicans continue to nominate lunatics and scoundrels, many of whom will probably become members of Congress next year because people just don’t care enough to prevent it.

The important question to ask here is this: Why does the majority of the American populace quite demonstrably “not care?”


Because they have been hypnomediaed into varying forms of trance state, Booman.

That’s why.

CNN/NBC/CBS/ABC/NY Times/Washington Post/Time Magazine/Newsweek/USA Today trance state:

Everything is going to hell in a handbasket. You are helpless to stop it. Buy more stuff instead. Watch mindless reality shows and big-time, drug-fueled sports in your spare time. “Wouldya look at the size of that home run!!!??? Wow! He’s strong!!!”

Cable entertainment trance state:

Yes, everything is going to hell in a handbasket. Relax and pitch right in. Enjoy. Nothing is real…why fret? Vampires and gangsters and transvestites and amateur rock musicians and untalented rappers and soft core sex movies and bad comics and fake spies and the Military Channel and steroid freaks bashing each others’ brains out. hell, take yer pick, folks. Enjoy. Jerk yourselves off into any number of sweet dreams. Have fun. It’s all over but the moral decay. Buh-bye!!!

And then there’s the Fox News trance state:

Knee-jerk hatred of “the other.” Kill `em all and let God (Our God, goddammit!!!) sort them out.

Read on.

Booman’s (plus the leftiness blogs’ in general) continuing complaint about the state of American politics…and make no mistake about it, the Tea Party is rising from the subconscious of the media-addled white lower and working classes like a demon from some B-movie hell…is way off the mark.

It isn’t simply that people “just don’t care enough” to prevent this rise.

They do care, the ones who are fueling this right wing movement. The ones on the ground. The “little” people. You know. The ones who’re voting in these primaries? In fact, they may be the only identifiable political group in the US that does “care.” The only people with any emotional commitment to politics of any kind. Sure…it’s negative emotions that fuel the movement. But that’s better than no emotions, at least it is in the political game.

Obama is often compared to FDR by the lukewarm leftish media. But FDR conveyed emotion when he communicated to the American people. Obama? Flat as a soymilk pancake. He’s so cool that he is almost inert in an emotional sense. Palin? Hot as a two dollar pistol. Bet on it. And thousands of times more dangerous.

The only way to turn this rightward movement around is to provide some positive emotion from the top. I predict that one of three things will happen to the Democratic Party over the next year and a half.

1-Obama will enlist the Clintons ever more heavily…both of them practiced and successful emotional communicators, bet on that as well…in his reelection campaign. Hillary Clinton will be his vice-presidential running mate, tasked with taking Palin down in a series of emotional firefights played out in the media while Obama stays coolly…presidentially…above the fray.

That vast right-wing conspiracy that I mentioned some years ago? You know, the one that conspired against my (now-beloved elder statesman) husband from the moment that he entered national politics? Yup. Here it is, in the flesh. And I do mean “flesh.” Sarah Palin. Frontwoman. Empty as a used milk container. Dumber than Bush II.


Bill Clinton? Less important on the stump, maybe a little more important in the back rooms.


2-Obama will pack it up (one way or another…on orders from his owners and/or with a primary loss) and Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic presidential candidate.

Either way she will kick some ass, too.

Hot style.



3-Obama will continue to do what he does and Palin will take him down.

Take him down hot.



The only way to reform his country is to totally reform the corporate-owned media.

From the inside out.

But that cannot be done as things are now set up because the media control the minds of about 98% the population.

Catch 22, over and out.

UH oh!!!






Short of violent action…something to which I am unalterably opposed although I predict that it will eventually come to that here if things do not get better…I see no other way to change the culture of this country. Revolutions invariably “revolve” right back into even deeper shit. That’s why they are called revolutions. Duh.

Short of violent action the “NEWSTRIKE” idea is all I have to offer.

A way to reform the political culture, the business culture and the societal culture, all three.

Will it happen?

I doubt it.

The trance state is in too deep.

So it goes.

And thus we must make do with what we can get.

Heat up, folks.

The fun’s just beginning.

