I agree with Joan McCarter completely (per usual) when she says that it’s pure baloney that the president is guilty of liberal overreach and that this is the reason Democrats are doing poorly in the polls. I accept her reasoning, too. That’s the Republicans’ argument, though, and one that is being told in the press. And, this was all kind of predictable, wasn’t it? I mean, even if Obama had governed like Zell Miller we’d be seeing the same charges of liberal overreach, and we were always going to lose some seats in the upcoming election. The story writes itself.

I suppose it matters, marginally, how true the story happens to be. True charges should stick better than false ones. That’s why we have to tell the truth that the president hasn’t done enough to fix the economy because he doesn’t have the necessary political support he would need to inject a sufficient amount of money into the cavernous hole the Bushies carved out of it.

It would help us immensely if the Obama administration would make that argument, because we’ve been making it and it isn’t sticking.