David Broder is insufferable. Suddenly Joe Sestak is equally far to the left as Pat Toomey is far to the right? Give me a break. Is Joe Sestak a member of the House Progressive Caucus or the DLC-inspired New Democrat Coalition? Does he have a voting record in the liberal third of the party or in the conservative half? Did he not endorse Hillary Clinton for president? Was he not recruited by Rahm Emanuel?

Joe Sestak is a solid Democrat who is liberal on most, but not all, issues. He isn’t a Blue Dog, but neither is he a progressive firebrand. He’s about what you expect when you think of an average Democrat in Congress.

Pat Toomey, on the other hand, is more conservative than Rick Santorum. Does anyone want to argue that Rick Santorum was in the moderate half of the Republican caucus?

Wank on. Wank off.