David Broder is insufferable. Suddenly Joe Sestak is equally far to the left as Pat Toomey is far to the right? Give me a break. Is Joe Sestak a member of the House Progressive Caucus or the DLC-inspired New Democrat Coalition? Does he have a voting record in the liberal third of the party or in the conservative half? Did he not endorse Hillary Clinton for president? Was he not recruited by Rahm Emanuel?
Joe Sestak is a solid Democrat who is liberal on most, but not all, issues. He isn’t a Blue Dog, but neither is he a progressive firebrand. He’s about what you expect when you think of an average Democrat in Congress.
Pat Toomey, on the other hand, is more conservative than Rick Santorum. Does anyone want to argue that Rick Santorum was in the moderate half of the Republican caucus?
Wank on. Wank off.
he is an idiot
So what’s your theory, Boo? Is he just a fool, simple as that? Is he explicitly carrying water for right wing activism? Is he mentally ill or intellectually deficient in some way so he can’t make distinctions among what is in front of him (I seem to recall that there is such a syndrome)? Does he believe he’s called to keep the lesser folks soothed by feeding them comforting lies about things they are not able to understand? Or is he just a mediocrity who rose to wealth, influence, and presige through the spouting of meaningless platitudes and is not about to sacrifice his cushy gig for the sake of honesty or integrity?
I’ve never really read him, except when someone called attention to his latest anomaly, mostly because he’s just so painfully boring. But this incredible misreading/misstating of simple fact makes me curious as to what on earth could be going on in that consciousness. Was he ever any good? Any thoughts?
The number of people who fit that description may well constitute a voting majority…
I don’t know other than the fact that he’s been spouting the same nonsense since Tricky Dick came to office.
He’s always been shilling for Republicans, but tries to act like he doesn’t by going to the “center.”
So basically he has no principles. I can’t tell for sure if he were a journalist in Sweden if he’d say the middle is “juuuust right” or not, but part of me wouldn’t be surprised.
Toomey is a good candidate.
I’m going with Poe’s Law for you:
Seabe…you are right!
I am insane…I am a radical right-wing Tea Partier who loves the Founding Fathers…
But somehow, I am drawn to Progressives…
I don’t get it, either…but I love you guys! (and gals!)
So you want to end government while loving the folks who created the government because they thought we gotta have one. I guess being insane you’re not dismayed by cognitive dissonance. Kinda gives the lie (yet again) to the Lib claim to being the disciples of reason, though, doesn’t it?
Which Founding Father? You should hate most of them, considering most of them supported the Constitution. Your breed of thought would have loathed them, and you would have been an anti-Federalist.
In any case, I’m just going to ignore your posts in the future because I believe you to be a living example of Poe’s Law; in that, I don’t believe you’re real.
agree w. you, seabe
Well…I think I’m real.
Favorite Founding Father…
What an awesome collection of individuals…even though they were white, male slave owners.
Progressives…driving home today, I passed several homes with American Flages in front of their homes…and I cried.
I love this country.
If Sestak is so conservative why did we bother voting for him over Spector precisely? Bait and switch from the damn neoliberal stacking all decks? Why?
I campaigned for Sestak after Specter, as a supposed Democrat, voted against Cramdown.
Sestak isn’t a flaming leftie, but he’s well to the left of Specter and of Casey, as well. He is indefatigable, with experience in cutting military waste. He’s also courageous; he stood up to the entire state and national Democratic machine (but zillions of local committeepeople and nobody activists supported him because they’re tired of being given orders).
Senator elect Toomey will be in trouble when the day democrats give us a non dlcer I’ll take time to fight for!