Please, might dear right wing hatemongers conservative friends, explain to me how this nut-job is really either a liberal plant or motivated by the extreme leftist ideology of people like me:

A Concord man was charged with describing how to make explosives, in an effort to bomb an abortion clinic, after FBI agents found instructions on the man’s Facebook page and caught him in a sting, officials said Thursday.

Justin Carl Moose, 26, is a self-described “extremist, radical” and the “Christian counterpart of Osama bin Laden,” according to an affidavit filed by FBI agents. Agents arrested Moose, who lives in a northwest Concord neighborhood, on Tuesday.

Moose’s Facebook page, which was still public Thursday, contained posts expressing anger at abortion doctors, President Barack Obama’s health care plan, and plans to build a mosque near ground zero in New York City. It also included expressions of support for those who have killed abortion providers. […]

Status updates posted beginning in January urge violence, FBI agents said in their affidavit.

“The Death Care Bill passed last night,” he wrote when Obama’s health care plan was approved in March. “Keep your phone and rifle close and wait.”

“There are few problems in life that can’t be solved with the proper application of high explosives :)” Moose wrote two months later.

“If a mosque is built on ground zero, it will be removed. Oklahoma City style. Tim’s not the only man out there that knows how to do it,” the affidavit says he wrote in July, in a reference to Timothy McVeigh, who bombed a federal building in Oklahoma City.

I suppose he was just planning to exercise his second amendment rights. In any event, good thing he’s not too bright, posting his bomb making recipes and violent “urges” on Facebook. I especially like the refereence to health care reform as “The Death Care Bill.” Gee, I wonder who gave him that idea?

Last week former Republican vice presidential candidate and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin posted a statement to her Facebook page in which she warned that President Obama’s health care reform plan would result in a so-called “death panel” with the power to kill elderly people and those with disabilities …

U.S. Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.) also recently accused the Democrats’ health care reform plan of putting seniors “to death.”

Well no matter. It’s okay to lie and demonize abortion providers and health care proponents and especially Muslims building places of worship or community centers if you’re a Republican (or a Fox News anchor) and never, ever suffer the consequences.

Imagine what new lies, hate speech and demagoguery to which we can look forward should the GOP recapture one or both of the houses of Congress this November. And imagine how many more whack jobs will be coming out of the woodwork “to restore honor to America” etc. because they will believe every word that comes from the mouths of these conservative con artists. Oh it will be a plethora of “good times, good times” for anyone in the FBI or law enforcement. Of that you can rest assured.