Progress Pond

The Soros Factor

After reading this news I can only assume that Human Rights Watch is doomed.

Progressive financier George Soros’ $100 million donation to the Human Rights Watch advocacy group couldn’t have come at a better time — the human rights cause is losing ground worldwide.

It may be that the three-year-old world economic crisis has shifted rich countries’ attention to domestic bread-and-butter issues, or that former President George W. Bush’s 2003 invasion of Iraq eroded the moral authority of the United States — traditionally a major champion of human rights causes — to chastise human rights violators abroad.

I can’t wait to see the Soros -> Human Rights Watch-> New Black Panthers -> Barack Obama -> etc. connections to show up on Glenn Beck’s Chalk Board. Maybe Andrew Breitbart will release a tape of a lower level Human Rights Watch worker planning to slaughter Christian white people or something. Should be fun to watch – on Fox.

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