At around 2:15pm the Senate will hold a cloture vote on this year’s Defense Appropriations Bill. The base bill includes a repeal of the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy. During the markup of the bill, Republican Susan Collins voted for repeal, while Democrat Jim Webb voted against it. It’s not clear if there are 60 votes to overcome a Republican-led filibuster. If cloture is attained, the first amendment to be debated will be to include the DREAM Act in the bill.

If the Republicans successfully filibuster, the Defense Appropriations bill may not pass this year. At least, that’s what Senate Armed Services chairman Carl Levin is saying. So, we would have no funding for our troops, and the Republicans will have further infuriated both the gay and Latino communities. The question is what is more motivating. Rewarding the Democrats for delivering on their promises or punishing the Republicans for standing in the way?

I think we know what the Republicans are banking on. They want us frustrated and apathetic. They will give their base what they want. So, how stupid are we?