Clean energy is available to us.

There is enough off shore wind power along the coastal Atlantic states to provide clean energy to “easily supply nearly half the current electricity generation of the U.S. East Coast.”

Solar power could

Yet few politicians in the United States are willing to vote the funds necessary to develop and fund investment in clean energy alternatives. Indeed, the Republicans running for office this year almost unilaterally support the continuation of exploiting old, dangerous and dirty sources of energy: Fossil Fuels

Burning petroleum is dirty. It emits a number of pollutants besides CO2. Coal is dirtier still. Just ask anyone who can’t eat the from our lakes because of the levels of mercury found in the fish that are there. Mercury that comes from burning coal.

Extracting Oil and gas, and coal is increasingly dangerous and costly, both to human life, human health and to to the environment.

Mountaintop removal mining for coal is causing “pervasive and irreversible” damage according to scientists who have taken the unprecedented step to request the Government ban the practice: