Want to know why Nevadans are even considering Sharron Angle over Harry Reid?
August was the 44th consecutive month in which Nevada led the nation in housing foreclosures.
That’s why. Well, that and 14.4% unemployment. Look, this is a race where the mainstream Republican lost because she wanted us to eschew health insurance and pay for surgery with live chickens. In this cycle, I’m surprised that that suggestion hurt her. It seems like people are willing to believe any kind of nonsense. And, really, at this point it is probably more likely that the average Nevadan has a few spare chickens than that they have a job with health insurance.
In a situation like that, the incumbent is going to take the brunt of the dissatisfaction. Especially considering that HAMP was a travesty(and Obama can’t blame Congress for that). Obama and Co. hasn’t been very friendly to underwater homeowners. Why do you think Demon Sheep is so close to Barbara Boxer?
“It happened while you were in office, to therefore it’s your fault” –yep, that’s exactly what’ll happen.
Sorry, I’m not being sarcastic–this happens all the time historically.
Why am I not shocked that the Nevada economy was built on sand?