We got a call today from an OFA staffer in Washington DC who told us that she saw the Manan Trivedi lawn sign in our yard yesterday. Apparently, she grew up on our street and was home visiting. It’s a small world. I’m actually seeing a weird phenomenon around here. I’m seeing a lot of yards that have signs for the Republican candidates for governor and senator and state senate and state house, but not for our congressman, Jim Gerlach. I guess he’s not tea-baggy enough for them, but maybe it spells trouble for Gerlach. There are also a lot of signs for Sestak, but very few for Onorato. I don’t put a whole lot of stock in yard signs, but they do provide some information.
What’s going on in your neck of the woods?
Boucher’s kicking Griffith’s ass. Perriello is in an effective tie with Hurt. I saw two Perriello ads and one Boucher ad while watching Glee, which isn’t over yet. The one Perriello ad was really awesome, and the Boucher ad will be very effective with the people around here (although I didn’t like it).
>What’s going on in your neck of the woods?
I live in Va 5th-
At the time, I thought Perriello was the wrong choice. The Charlottesville dominated local Dem Committee has been picking the wrong type against Goode for years. Perriello seemed like another throwaway. He only got in because of Obama.
Certainly he has more support/money now based on the number of road and yard signs along Rt 220, Rt 58 and in Danville. His ads appear on the web and he is getting much more local paper support in the “letters to the editor”
Can he stay in? I don’t know but he has a chance, even without Obama at the head of the ticket.
He’s a good congressman. He’s trying to win the right way. I hope he does win and he shows the way to others in similar districts.
GOTV until the end on Tues. Polling looking up in the IN-9th.
Is that Baron?
Yep. Had a quick lunch with him yesterday between campaign events. He is, of course, a blue dog, but I’ve found he’s reachable on some issues and will at least listen. Besides, the alternative is way too scary to imagine.
I think Baron Hill is the left-most electible Democrat in the district, considering how close each election has been and with home and Mike Sodrel trading the seat every other term. I’m surprised that Sodrel didn’t try again, but this one is going to be a nail-biter too. I’d head up there to help if Conway didn’t need every bit of help that he can get. GOTV is going to be massive, we’ll see if we can move the needle more that the conventional 2 points…
First signs up: Paladino & Phillips (GOP opponent for our congressional seat against old-fashioned true-blue Democrat Maurice Hinchey, who’s retained his seat for years despite gerrymandering). Found in bunches, like turkey turds. Lately some in the bunches are gone, replaced by signs for Cuomo & Hinchey. Quite a relief, since those blazing red Paladino signs were clashing with the fall colors.
Signs against fracking are showing up, too. Anti-fracking activists are not getting good reception from Cuomo, however, when bird-dogging. Have heard nothing on the radio from Paladino lately at all — so if the actual campaign strategy was to say outrageous things & win free media, it seems to have been abandoned. Murdoch’s organization had clearly turned against him prior, after he physically threatened one of their team.
Local Dems have phoned to ask if we’re voting. Answer from my 86 year old housemate is ‘Hell yes!’
I live in the New York Appalachians (the Catskill Mountains) in a rural backwoods/thriving second-home market 100 miles from NYC, which has been economically depressed for generations.
I live in an urban area, so my view is skewed. see Alexi and Quinn/Simon signs.
PA-08 Murphy territory. Fitzpatrick people are ripping up lawn signs and defacing the wooden 4×8 signs. I have been replacing public area lawn signs. The GOTV effort has been non stop for us. If anything will beat the local GOP machine its our volunteers.
Fitz released an internal showing him up 10. Murphy released on a few days ago showing he’s up 3. Seems like the definition of a toss up. 2006 Murph won by 1500 votes, looks like it will happen again.
here in CA, Brown and Whitman own the airwaves. Jerry’s last two ads have both been devastating.
I’m in the 70% Dem bay area; around here yard signs are about local issues or candidates, except for a few Boxer signs.
If yard signs decided elections, President Paul’s second term would already be secure.
Here in the Bluegrass Jack Conway is closing the gap on Rand Paul – the jackbooted attack on the protester may well sink Paul, not from changing minds but from mobilizing the urban vote. We’ve seen that picture before, and it’s being shown far and wide…
Congressman John Yarmuth (D-Spine) is cruising to victory, as is Mayor-elect Greg Fischer.
“Those who live by the sword…” Good luck down there, neighbor.
PA-08 – Just moved into the Carversville area. There seem to be more Murphy and Sestak signs than Repug ones. Repug signs adorn the lawns of mostly megamansions and starter castles. Got registered last minute – hoping to help keep PA blue.