What are the Republicans’ top priorities?
Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) will say Thursday that defeating President Obama is Republicans’ “only way” to truly halt his agenda.
McConnell’s comments are a doubling-down on his remark last week that Republicans’ top priority during the next two years would be to defeat Obama.
“Over the past week, some have said it was indelicate of me to suggest that our top political priority over the next two years should be to deny President Obama a second term in office,” McConnell will say Thursday during a speech at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank.
“But the fact is, if our primary legislative goals are to repeal and replace the health spending bill; to end the bailouts; cut spending; and shrink the size and scope of government, the only way to do all these things it is to put someone in the White House who won’t veto any of these things,” the top Senate Republican will add.
If the Republicans are serious about shrinking the size and scope of government it will be for the first time. But, having gotten in bed with the Tea Party Movement, they have no choice but to make moves in that direction. I’m not really bothered by McConnell’s bluntness about his partisan aims. However, it’s not much different from Rush Limbaugh’s statement back in January 2009 that he wanted President Obama to fail. Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised about a little smack-talk after the spanking we received on Tuesday. But it’s an attitude that we’ll be able to point to throughout the remainder of this Congress as evidence of the GOP’s bad faith.
Tea Party Disappointment straight ahead.
Nothing like McConnell admitting, in his backhanded way, that Obama has been effective.
Good thing Obama and the dems have finally caught on that the GOP isn’t acting in good faith…oh wait.
And the GOP will of course take actions that try to shrink the size and scope of government- just not in a way that hurts their constituents (ie, non-liberal over 40 whites, and corporations). Not sure why people in the MSM or blogosphere can’t get this around their heads: the GOP wants to cut spending that benefits someone other than their constituents- this isn’t corrupt or evil, its just a style of politics and theory of governing that seems anathema to liberals and certainly doesn’t represent the better angels that the MSM wishes we would all pursue. The question for the next two years is whether Obama’s approach of being President to all and trying to accomodate everyone is going to stand up with against the GOP now that they can finally start legislating for their constituents. The next 2 years will be a clash of not just ideology, but over theories of what the purpose of the state and government is. Should our leaders lock themselves in a room and try to figure out what’s fair and best for everyone or should each politician just fight for what his constituents want and let the chips fall where they may?
This is gonna be a long 2 years! I just read somewhere, that the new meme is that Obama’s trip to India and Asia will cost 100 mill a day!!!
Seriously, WTF!!!
I don’t doubt it. The right will believe anything. With one caveat. Its got to be sensational and smear a rational person who gives a damn.
If Republicans are going to truly repeal, defund, undo, pick the verb healthcare reform are they not truly taking on the role of “death panels” as they will be taking the lifeline away from those whom cannot afford health insurance without the reform?
Sure, but don’t forget something else. Since the Pukes control the House, they’ll likely vote to raise the debt ceiling but also include repealing the health care in it. And that’s where the real problem is going to be. Orange Julius and Co. are going to be real pricks about every thing. How will Obama respond?
If you’re not really the ‘restore sanity’ type, please buy one:
That’s great!
Not that Bush actually knows or cares about who’s screwed. He’s still saying history doesn’t matter because we die.
I wonder then, why he felt he had to become President.
Oh, yeah. God told him so in a dream.
No mention of the 2 wars. Interesting.
McConnell’s problem is going to be answering the questions of how is he going to do this, besides generalities.
He is the Minority Leader in the Senate, not the Majority.
I think this is going to come out badly for the Republicans.
People are going to demand results.
& the Mighty Wurlitzer will just convince them that it’s the President’s fault.
There’s a damn good reason why Glenn Beck makes $58 million a year.
What Democrats can say publicly and what they understand are two different things. Of course they understand the Republicans are the Party of No; Obama himself has said as much and spawned a media hissy fit.
Knowing what the Republicans are up to and being able to outmaneuver it, given the handicap of a dishonest media, is the issue.
It is time to stop being naive about what is going down in the government and the Village.
Here’s how you respond to McConnell. Send your friends this link:
Business Insider
they are who we think they are. period
i’m looking forward to the government shutdown, personally. that’s going to be teh awesum.
Confirmation of what we already knew.