I didn’t ask for any donations last month because I wanted people to donate to Democratic candidates instead. Two months ago, many of you made donations toward improving the site. We have cleaned a couple of things up and now have some advertising running which will hopefully provide some revenue going forward. We are still working on a spamblocker and hopefully that will be in place soon.
Obviously, last night the American people made a very costly mistake. I’d like to be able to continue to add my voice to the debate as we move into uncharted waters. So, please consider making a contribution towards the upkeep of the Frog Pond. As always, I really appreciate your support. I couldn’t do this without it.
As a topic of discussion, how crazy do you think the situation in the House of Representatives is going to get next year?
What is the high crime or misdemeanor. I mean they have to pick SOMETHING to try him on.
The one with traction: slow response and false reports on the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, otherwise known as BP gets its revenge and an apology
The others:
New Black Panther Party voter suppression
ACORN voter fraud
Offering Joe Sestak a job not to run
Those are the travel office scandal level stuff at best
They can’t get Obama on BP because Bush’s Katrina act was so much worse.
ACORN? Didn’t the boyo who ran the ACORN whore scam and get caught finish off any more ACORN stuff?
New Black Panther stuff? Can’t prove it.
Sestak? Already fairly well proven, although not directly on Obama in a provable manner.
But…they don’t need proof. Just stink.
Exactly…no proof, just stink.
And they can make a case about BP because a number of progressive blogs have made the case for them, but they don’t consider it an impeachable offense. But the stink is the Obama administration working to shelter BP from accountability, misleading the public about the seriousness and extent of the damage, and not giving Bobby Jindal and Haley Barbour exactly what they asked for.
just watch.
It’s always been totally crazy. It’s really just going to make Oddball and Worst Persons in the World easier to compose for Keith Olbermann.
(Olbermann has suspended his Worst Persons segment)
WHOA, wrong link was in clipboard.. apologies..
Too many choices is why. 🙂
Lets see,
Return to the gold standard
Privatization of Social Security
War with Iran, N. Korea, ect…
Default on national debt
Repeal Health Care
None of these will get through the Senate but I wouldn’t be surprised to see any of these.
What ever happened to personal responsibility? This is your blog: you started it. Why don’t you pay for it?
Oh, I know. We all need some help now and again. ‘Course you keep asking for help about every six months. If the site is not a viable money-maker, then bag it. Why should anyone else have to pay for your voice. If your voice is so great, it should pay for itself.
Obviously, your voice didn’t stem the tide last night. So what’s the point? Just a pity party? An echo chamber for like-minded individuals who don’t want to feel alone in their convictions?
There’s this amazing new invention called psychotherapy. But throwing a few bucks to you every now and again probably is cheaper. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mitigate or erase the problem.
You can either do this thing on your own, or you can’t. If you can’t, then don’t ask others to help you. Accept your defeat…graciously. Maybe, like all the rest of us, you’re not as big a deal as you think.
And please, don’t start a begging post with: oh, I was going to ask last month, but I so wanted to allow you to help someone else; therefore, hero that I am, I held off. Cheap sentimentality.
No wonder the Repubs beat us.
you’re an asshole.
Yep, but I’d ignore him or her. Clearly a troll.
ya know, as much as I disagree with Booman on so many topics, that was entirely uncalled for and a total fucking douchebag comment.
I’m not going to go into our host’s financial situation, as I don’t know much about it, but raising a young child, as well as two teenagers costs a lot of money. server space costs money. computer upkeep costs money. I don’t even know if Booman is employed at this point: I know a lot of people in that position, who still have valuable insights to share. and i know damn well that if I wasn’t getting free hosting from a friend, I’d be begging too.
BMT adds to our political debate, and I find that even when i disagree, i find myself challenged to explain why i disagree and to justify my own interpretation of events. No his voice didn’t stem the tide, but what the fuck did you expect from a small blog like this?
in fact, your comment is so fucking dickish that on next payday, i’ll make a contribution, something i haven’t done for anyone in a long-ass time. booman, remind me next week if i forget. it won’t be a ton of bucks, but i know every bit helps.
you don’t want to contribute, that’s your business. but jesus fucking christ, you don’t have to be a total shrieking asshole about it.
You are a dick, plain and simple. I suppose every public radio station in the country should “bag it” because they regularly ask for financial support from their listeners? Please. Booman didn’t solicit your ad hominem “advice” above, and you certainly give no reason for him to follow it. Basically, you just personally insulted him and said his work here is worthless. When in fact many of us who come to this website regularly – Democratic rank-and-file, staffers in Congress and the White House, bloggers, media figures, and other parts of the American progressive apparatus – take great value from it.
On the other hand, if you’re trying to solicit funds for Booman through some kind of assholish reverse psychology, good job, as you just convinced me to donate another $10 to the site beyond my usual monthly “subscription.” It is well worth the cost.
Feh — dicks like you would shut down NPR, the Red Cross, etc, which are also partly supported by pledge drives. Booman provides a service I’m happy to support — one of a handful of mature, practical progressive voices. If you don’t like his pledge drives, don’t visit the site.
Wow, this douche sounds like he just finished Atlas Shrugged and is now experiencing John Galtian levels of self importance. What a cock.
Maybe you should have tried the psychotherapy instead.
Dipshit shut the fuck up. Things don’t have to make a profit to be worthwhile.
“No wonder the Repubs beat us.” Us? Like your not some troll Repug.
“Obviously, last night the American people made a very costly mistake.”
Just the white ones, for the most part.
And I fully expect the republican House so massively voted for by white folks to impeach Obama within these two years.
Had to post this one from Alternet:
On Elmers:
Bob Etheridge is asking for a recount. Might just be pro forma, but…
Ron Paul vs. Helicopter Ben as the new chair of the Monetary Policy subcommittee is going to be awesome.
And by awesome, I mean bring something absorbent.
Your question: how crazy do you think the situation in the House of Representatives is going to get next year?
Crazy? You ain’t seen nor can conceive of crazy. The RepubliKKKans are going to send massively crazy bills to the Senate and then blame the Dems when they don’t pass and gov’t gets gridlocked.
Just sent a little something a few minutes ago but have been meaning to for weeks. This is a great blog except for the occasional asshole showing up –as in commenter #1. I kept waiting for the snark line reading that crap – god what a miserable person.
I’m strangely fine about last night. While the number of seats changing was predicted the forecasted vote split (ex. Sestak 49% Toomey51%) was way off and way low for many of the Democrats – win or lose. Polls had Dems trailing by over 5 points and they came much closer 2 or 3 points in a number of races. Or like Reid – a blowout. Rasmussen totally cooked the books and yes, the cell phone effect did show up.
But I spent a lot of time calling and canvassing and it was frustrating to know that a lot of the GOTV depended on the busy schedules of people and their worries about lines and weather and getting to vote on a workday. I know too many who are in their early 30s who would have voted had they been able to fill out the ballot from their kitchen table after they put the kids to bed; finding time to Google info and make an informed decision. We need to have elections that give you the option of either voting on a Saturday (perhaps in August as November sucks) as well as the option of a very structured vote by mail process like Oregon. This might be my one cause I crusade on when I retire.
The House is going to be a cluster. But that might be good for Dems in that the “Rally for Sanity” minded people all over the country can see the nutcases at “work”.
The vote to eliminate the Department of Education should happen at some point. Maybe, one declaring USA a christian nation too.
The White House should kick Fox News out of the press corp or raise a fit until White House Correspondent group does. Or never answer any of their questions or have Gibbs call them out every day. Hell, I would run an underground smear campaign against Murdoch personally. They are the enemy and to pretend otherwise is absurd. They will play the victim. Fine, what is the backlash? I mean, they are already flaming a race war in this country with their phony bigot BS and political operation. Fox just won the governorship in Ohio. It is time to counter them in some capacity. I do not know exactly how but to comply with those out to destroy us is a disaster.
Boo…as a radical right-winger, we do need progressive arguments put forth…hence the donation (no frog mug?)…
My biggest disappointment from Tuesday is that, with better candidates, Republicans would have won the Senate. Candidates matter.
I know it is a less than happy time for Progressives, but as a business owner, the business community is breathing a sigh of relief…although it is not likely much will get done over the next two years, “first do no harm”…we feel like this administration won’t be able to enact any additional legislation that is detrimental to the business community.
Sent donation this AM. Just enough for a mug but I have a shirt already. Thanks to you and StevenD for staying in the debate. 🙂
What I’m wondering is, how serious is all this talk about the GOP establishment being concerned about the firebreathing radicals of the Tea Party? Because if it’s true, the Democrats may not be the only ones who will have problems governing. I’m not sure I understand the dynamic between the Rove GOP and the Tea Party. From what I can tell, the GOP has certainly used them to advantage all along, and they have tried to co-opt them, but still it’s like riding a tiger. I would imagine Rove blames the Tea Party for the failure to take the Senate.
The main question I have is, since I don’t see that the GOP has any coherent policy anyway, other than gaining more and more power, on what points exactly would the Tea Party be interfering with the GOP agenda?
Here’s an example of what I’m talking about:
Your question appeared in appropriate proximity to one of the recurring ads that shows up on my monitor with nauseating regularity:
I humbly apologize for the stupid of so many of my fellow Hoosiers:(
Here in Indiana we are doubly screwed, as both bodies of the General Assembly are now in their clutches. I’m afraid our state may soon be announced to be the most recent acquisition of IBM Corp (Mitch Roob to head the division, of course).