Cross-posted at WinningProgressive
There was good news yesterday when Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid promised, with strong White House support, to bring Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (“DADT”) repeal to the Senate floor for a full vote in December. As discussed here a few days ago, DADT repeal is a matter of fundamental fairness and equality that also happens to be supported by 78% of Americans. In response to fear that the Democrats would cave and not bring DADT up for a vote, progressive bloggers and groups like the Human Rights Campaign organized efforts to get tons of calls to the White House and Congress demanding DADT repeal this year. Today’s announcement is evidence that these efforts to create progressive pressure on our lawmakers is getting some traction.
Of course, Sen. Reid’s promise to hold a vote on DADT repeal does not mean that it is going to pass or that Republicans won’t try to filibuster any such vote. Therefore, it is critical that we keep up the calls to our Senators on this basic issue of fairness and equality. You can find their contact information here. The most important targets are the following:
Harry Reid (Nevada) – (202) 224-3542 – Thank Senator Reid for vowing to bring DADT repeal to a vote in December
Carl Levin (Michigan) – (202) 224-6221 – Senator Levin is the Chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee – make sure to ask that he not agree to remove DADT repeal from the Defense Reauthorization Bill
Claire McCaskill (Missouri) – 202-224-6154
Olympia Snowe (Maine) – (202) 224-5344
Susan Collins (Maine) – (202) 224-2523
Scott Brown (Massachusetts) – (202) 224-4543
George LeMieux (Florida) – (202) 224-3041
George Voinovich (Ohio) – (202) 224-3353
Jim Webb (Virginia) – (202)-224-4024
If you reach your Senators, send us an email to let us know whether they are willing to commit to supporting an up-or-down vote on DADT repeal during the lame duck session. That way we can keep track of who is on our side and who needs to hear more from their constituents.
Let’s hope it works.
What does this statement imply?
Reid to Push to Allow End of `Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’
Hearings on the report and then debate?
How long will this take and can it be completed before the lame duck session is over?
(I know, lots of questions, but that’s who I am…)