Progress Pond

Levi, Enovid, and the Death of Marriage

I like how the National Review wants to make Levi Johnston the poster boy for the decline of marriage among high school educated middle Americans. Why not Bristol? And what exactly is a low-quality marriage? I thought that the problem with mindlessly marrying your high school sweetheart was that after about five years you discover that you have nothing in common with each other anymore and the marriage becomes kind of low quality. Or, maybe, you realize that you just took an oath to not have sex with anyone else in your entire life and that you’re not even twenty years-old yet. I don’t know. There seems to be a variety of reasons why it’s retarded to get married as a nineteen year-old virgin and expect to have a high-quality marriage. And I know the people that hang around with Kathryn Jean Lopez think that marriage worked just great for the approximately 4,004 years between Adam and Eve and the day the FDA approved Enovid for contraceptive purposes. And then Mary Tyler Moore threw her hat in the air and everything fell apart.

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