See, I don’t like to see Christine O’Donnell called a maniac. For me, ‘maniac’ has a menacing connotation, as if there is at least a small chance that Ms. O’Donnell will lose her temper and snap my neck. I prefer to stick with milder descriptors like ‘delusional’ or ‘fruitcakey.’ Another bone I have to pick is the idea that just because the Republicans lost otherwise winnable senate races in Delaware, Nevada, and Colorado that it means that we didn’t just elect a bunch of people who are more crazy than Christine O’Donnell, Sharron Angle, and Ken Buck.

I think we’ll find out that the Senate rules and Rand Paul are completely incompatible. The new senator from Utah, Mike Lee, appears dangerously unhinged. But the real gems will be found in the House. We don’t even know who they are yet, but there are dozens of would-be felons, scoundrels, thieves, and tax-cheats to choose from. The prototype for these politicians is Joe Miller, the Alaskan candidate for Senate. But Joe Miller got a lot more scrutiny than the used-car salesmen, exterminators, and war criminals that are coming to office next week.

We’re still suffering from the fallout of the 1994 elections: witness Sam Brownback becoming the governor of Kansas. We will likewise be suffering the consequences of the 2010 elections when 2026 rolls around. Count on it. The midterms are not a story of a tragedy narrowly averted.