A member of Dutch parliament states the party of Geert Wilders has no foreign policy beyond Flanders (Belgium) and Israel. In the new minority cabinet, the post of FM is in the hands of right-wing Liberal Freedom Party (VVD) Uri Rosenthal. Recently he made clear he would personally stop Dutch funds going to the Electronic Intifada, a Palestinian support group. I was afraid he was on a campaign to change Dutch foreign policy moving away from the European Union and more closely tied to the US and Israel concerning the Arab countries, Middle-East and Iran.

The hanging of Dutch-Iranian citizen Zahra Bahrami proofs this point of mine. Rosenthal’s ‘quiet diplomacy’ was in fact a refusal to communicate to Iranian ambassador and diplomats and following a hard line Likud policy. His argument is based on  the human rights abuse in Iran and the lack of a democratic government. In a Dutch radio interview, Uri Rosenthal admitted to these facts this morning. Uro Rosenthal stayed under the radar for many years and quietly moved up in the ranks of Dutch politics. Uri Rosenthal became a paid ‘security expert’ in The Netherlands and got lucrative government funds for his ‘research.’ In The Netherlands, I’m pretty critical of decades of blind support for Israel and it’s policy of occupation and building illegal settlements on the West-Bank.

Amsterdam Schiphol airport was a free haven for moving military arms, ammunition, precursor materials for chemical and biological warfare. It was a hub for moving US Army and Air Force parts to Israel during their military campaigns of 1967, 1973 and undoubtedly for the Lebanon Wars and Gaza oppression.

The true nature of these goods became clear to the world and the citizens of The Netherlands when a El Al Boeing 747 freight jetliner crashed ona suburb of Amsterdam. Israel refused for years to come forward with any information of goods carried on board. The lives of many police, firemen, rescuers and the local community were harmed or destroyed by toxic fumes and residues.

  •   Iran hangs woman held after protests
  •   Dutch FM a Likud Spokesperson

    The Dutch, Israel and Airport Security

    Major cover-up in 1992 :: Crash El Al Boeing 747-200P cargo plane in Amsterdam

    There are many duplicate sources, I lived through the EL AL disaster and aftermath in the Netherlands. The Dutch government was complicit to protect the state of Israel rather than care for the health of its citizens.

    October 4, 2009 marked the 17th anniversary of the worst air disaster in Dutch history. It also was the date of the beginning of one of the largest scandals and cover-ups in the history of the Dutch government and it involved Israel, Mossad, the US, El Al, secret and illegal chemical weapons transfers, unconfirmed allegations of weapons-grade plutonium, and as many as 2,000 local residents and firemen eventually reporting health complaints.

     « click  

  • Israeli ICTS Connection To Pollard & Schiphol Airport
  • Amsterdam El Al Crash Exposed Israel’s Chemical Weapons Arsenal

    My earlier diaries …

  • Sharing Intelligence with Mossad
  • Israeli Security Failure at Amsterdam Airport
  • The Dutch, Israel and Airport Security – Part 2

    "But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."