If you are basically powerless in a conventional sense, you’re only truly effective option is non-violent protest. Until recently this was pretty much limited to civil disobedience and getting your ass beaten by thugs on camera. There are new weapons that can actually get to the elites of the world. We’ve seen social networking outstrip the communications capacities of nations. We’ve seen how, in a world of digital money, enormous value can disappear in seconds, from flash crashes to hacks.

It’s always been my contention that if you want change greater that the system can produce from with, then you must combine a civil political effort with a non-violent, but credible threat of the destruction of the elite’s wealth and position. I’ve always referred to it as ‘The Army of the Twelve Monkeys Strategy’ after the Terry Gilliam movie. Fear that a group is a credible threat to end your control of the world is more powerful than facts or fights or standing armies.

Best part is you don’t have to hurt anyone if you are good enough at it.

How is this?