Most people are distraught and in anguish over the deaths of thousands of Japanese and the threat of multiple nuclear power plant meltdowns in the wake of the devastating earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan. And then there are the people who are celebrating like’s there’s no tomorrow. Why, pray tell would anyone react in this way? Obviously you aren’t a heartless soulless shameless fundamentalist rapture ready Christian or you’d be happy too:
As expected after the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan, Christian fundamentalists are lining up to proclaim that we are in the End Times.
Earlier today, the Christian Broadcasting Network’s Gordon Robertson remarked that “the time of redemption is nigh” and that “the earth is in birthing pangs for the coming Messiah.”
Tim LaHaye, author of the Left Behind Series, was in Hawaii to address a 2-day prophecy conference. “‘Left Behind’ author sees Bible all over disaster,” screams a headline at WorldNet Daily.
Of course, maybe it’s because of all teh gay in Japan, or because the Japanese are all atheists. Or maybe it’s because they worship demons.
While I won’t pretend to understand everything that God does, His Word — the Bible — does teach us a lot regarding how He sometimes chooses to operate, particularly when people are in rebellion against Him. Having said that, I suspect that such a severe judgment from the Lord may possibly have something to do with the fact that there is a lot of demon worship in Japan. There are likenesses of demons all over Japan. I saw them firsthand when I lived there for almost three years a few decades ago. They are indeed hideous looking things, with long noses and mean-looking, fierce faces. It is my understanding that the Japanese believe that the evil faces scare away the bad spirits, but I must wonder if this is what is really happening.
What a nasty, horrible God is the one in which they believe. What nasty, horrible sentiments they have expressed in the wake of so much suffering by their fellow human beings. What a nasty, cynical thing they do to promote their own religion by using this tragedy and other recent catastrophic events to “win converts” for Jesus.
Naming them charlatans and hypocrites does not do justice to the utter lack of compassion that resides in their hearts.
I fully expect to hear a rumble in the skies one of these days and hear the voices of all the gods shouting down “Shame” on these people.
Why is it they cannot call their days complete until they have turned every scenario into doom; never offered a word of sypathy; turned their backs on the work it takes to use the brains & spirit they claim God gave them to make this wonderful planet a better place? And then to give God a final poke and say there’s no use because it is the end of times.
Apparently these are all Old Testament readers who couldn’t stay awake for the “love thy neighbor” stuff later on.
Another irrational take away from the Japan disaster, its payback for Pearl Harbor. I guess Nuke Bombs and Internment Camps were not enough.
God only knows what the flakes are remembering….
Bataan? SE Asia? Unit 731? Nanking? Korea/Manchukuo?
I won’t apologize for them—they’re nuts, and ridicule is what they deserve. This is not ‘post hoc ergo propter hoc’… trying to pin Japan down now for something hat happened 3+generations ago would be like us trying to pin the Indian Wars on our Republican politicians…you might get the odd hit here and there, but it’ll largely be misses.
I plan to have fun on the End Day….I’ll have a cigar and an Old Fashioned watching the assorted Nuts and Flakes get soggy with fear….
Well, World Net has it right. If there’s one thing you can positively link with the word “disaster”, it is probably the Bible. That god of theirs appears to be quite the nasty asshole. Sure makes me want to run out and worship him. How about you?
It’s reliably funny/disgusting how those who “won’t pretend to understand everything that God does” always, always, unfailingly tell us all about it anyway, ad nauseum. I guess when you don’t know shit about anything it becomes so much easier to make shit up and intone it as if it were something more than insane babble. Monotheist religionists owe it to the world to either clean up their own house or shut the fuck up about their “faith”.
Fundies see a cheese sandwich as sign of the end times.
Fundies see a Mayan calendar date as sign of the end times.
Fundies want to be the first to know so they can pack their bags for the rapture.
My niece had a call from a local Fundie family asking her if she could please take care of their goat herd after they were taken…you betcha!
Nice collection of wingnut links. The startthinkright link had an interesting chart of countries ranked by atheism, and it’s fascinating to see whether there’s a link between religion and economic success. The US has very few atheists, and finds itself in the company of such Albania and Kyrgystan. Singapore is close by, but somehow I don’t think that wingers want to claim brotherhood with a country where Buddhism is the main religion.
I almost wish it would just happen, already. Shut these bastards up once and for all.
The Never Ending End Times