We’ve reached a point in Republican politics in this country where Grover “Drown the Federal Government in a bathtub” Norquist is representing the moderate, Establishment-wing of the party. Norquist supports the newest continuing resolution (now rebranded as a stopgap measure) while pretty much all the other activist groups are opposed to keeping the government open.

On Friday, three conservative groups — the Family Research Council, Club for Growth and Heritage Action — announced they were against the new stopgap. They were joined Monday by the Susan B. Anthony List, the American Family Association, the Tea Party Nation and the National Taxpayers Union.

Other conservatives support the stopgap. Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist argued that the GOP is moving at a pace at which it could meet its goal of reducing spending this year by $61 billion through a series of short-term measures.

These fucking goons were unhinged when they shut down the government the first time and impeached the president for his extramarital dalliances. After years of listening to George Bush’s babble, Dick Cheney’s doomsaying, and Bill O’Reilly’s nonsense, this group is now officially beyond nuts. They’re just dangerous.

It’s not just the party that has moved far to the right, but the individual members. Lindsey Graham used to pass for somewhat normal. Now he wants the Director of National Intelligence fired for telling him in advance that Gaddafi had the upper-hand in Libya. John McCain used to make progressive legislation with Russ Feingold. Now he’s accumulating one of the most right-wing voting records in Washington. Bob Bennett used to be a bagman for Howard Hughes. Now he’s too moderate to serve in public office for the GOP. Dick Lugar and Olympia Snowe are next.

At this rate, these bastards are going to nominate Caligula to run against Obama in 2012. You can’t have a decent government in a two-party system when one party is this dysfunctional. I am beginning to think that we should all register as Republicans and try to save the country by putting a stop to the insanity.

Or, another approach would be to follow Ronald Reagan’s example and sell them some TOW missiles so that they will set our government free. We can divert the money to fund public broadcasting and Planned Parenthood.