DeWayne Wickam has the right idea. The Republicans are engaged in a variation of the shock and awe campaign used against Saddam Hussein. It’s not meant to make Obama’s troops lose the will to fight, but to weaken them up so that they can’t fight at all. That’s why the bombs are being thrown at ACORN and Planned Parenthood, and public unions, and minority-voting access, and felon-voting access, and college student voting access. But what Wickam fails to mention is that the Republicans are going much further. They are trying to compel the administration to make a deal that includes slashing Social Security; they are attacking funding on all fronts; they are deliberately trying to keep unemployment high; and they are doing everything they can to delegitimize the president by suggesting he’s not a citizen; he’s secretly a Muslim; he’s a socialist; he’s an Ivy League elitist, and so on. They’re stonewalling his judicial appointments. They refuse to let him close Guantanamo. They don’t want a single liberal group to be happy with his performance and they don’t want anyone on the margins of society to vote at all. There are no areas of cooperation. Cooperation would suggest that the president is legitimate.

And that’s just what they’ve done and are doing to soften up the president. Then there are their positive agenda items, like detoothing the EPA and removing all limits on corporate campaign spending.

I honestly don’t know how even casual observers can fail to notice that the GOP is making war directly on them and their country. It’s never been this bad before. There is no question that the next Republican administration will do exponentially more damage to the country and the world than Bush and Cheney were able to do in their two terms.

This is really the reason why I take the positions I do. Everything else pales in importance when I consider what the Republicans want to do when they regain power.