Progress Pond

Unhappy Thoughts

It’s too bad our government is paralyzed by ideologues or we might be able to take advantage of the worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl to get serious about alternative energy. It’s hard not to get depressed about things these days. I feel very badly for the Japanese people, but I am also angry that they didn’t have the safety features in place to deal with a massive earthquake and tsunami. Government officials are charged with keeping people safe and now radiation levels are rising even in Tokyo. Even the reactor that was turned off is spewing radiation after the spent fuel rods caught fire. This could get unimaginably bad.

Meanwhile, a bunch of people are discussing it on MSNBC without disclosing that they’re terrified to be candid because their parent company is General Electric.

Update [2011-3-15 10:6:13 by BooMan]: I had forgotten that Comcast bought the majority share of NBC earlier this year. General Electric still owns forty-nine percent of the company.

Don’t think what happened in Japan can’t happen here. Our government isn’t any more functional than Japan’s. Our media is probably worse. And our people are certainly less educated.

Yes, I am grumpy this morning.

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