On Libya, I agree with Dick Lugar, but wonder where he was when it was time to invade Iraq.
And now some music:
I guess you have to choose your devil, and try to keep him down in the hole.
On Libya, I agree with Dick Lugar, but wonder where he was when it was time to invade Iraq.
And now some music:
I guess you have to choose your devil, and try to keep him down in the hole.
I note the cowards who abstained. Screw them. Take a stand. They know we’re going to be tasked with doing it; they know it will weaken and burden us. We are so stupid.
Hmm, I guess the administration wasn’t interested in your counsel after all.
Cheer up BooMan, it could be worse. At least they’re not gung ho about it. Although a half-assed plan is sometimes worse than no plan at all I suppose.
I’m still interested in finding out the extent of the mission. A secondary consideration, I know. But I would like to know whether we’re going for the immediate regime change, or whether the NFZ is just about protecting the population of Benghazi for the time being?
They want to stop the strongest power in the country from exerting its power, and they want to do it on the cheap. It’s beyond retarded. If the policy is regime change, go to Tripoli. If we want to turn East Libya into Saddam-era Kurdistan, this is the way to go. It actually wasn’t so bad for the Kurds, but it was disastrous for us.
Unfortunately, I totally agree with you BooMan.
Let’s talk about the abstentions:
Russian is a historic ally of Gaddafi
China has had and maybe still has guest workers in Libya. Same for Brazil and India.
Germany as policy tries not to get involved in foreign interventions; something to do with post-World War II decisions, just like Japan tries not to get involved in foreign interventions.
I suspect that “acrimonious debate” is hyperbole.
how are they cowards? Russia and China are both on record as being opposed to intervention in Libya. A quick google search indicates that India’s not on board.
I’ll admit I don’t know why they wouldn’t vote no instead of abstaining. I mean, other than not liking Kaddafi, not wanting to be seen as on his side, and yet at the same time having little or no interest to defend in the country. I mean, who wants headlines like “India sides with brutal dictator”, when it’s easier to just say “I ain’t got a dog (or no dog important enough) in that fight.”
I’m with you on intervention, BTW. Bad idea.
Because it’s either the right thing to do and they should approve it, or it’s the wrong thing to do and they should vote no. For those that have veto power, I understand not wanting to exert the veto but still disapproving, but India doesn’t have that quandary.
yeah, that’s all well and good.
but if this fizzles, aren’t these countries just protecting their interests, as you argue convincingly that we should?
i mean yeah, it’s ugly anyway you look at it, but i wouldn’t call it cowardice unless you want to describe our refusal to vote no on this or that intervention is also cowardice. Are we cowards for not arguing for an intervention in Bahrain’s attacks on democratic protestors? Were we cowards for not immediately denouncing Mubarek?
Britain is first up, not the US. They will be there soon.
This isn’t like Iraq at all.
It would be a good idea to wait and see what happens.
Obama isn’t a fool.
I don’t own a crystal ball but the negativity on the blogs is tiring.
Tom Waits is so awesome. Does he ever tour anymore?
I think Lugar has a point. It does merit discussion in Congress. Give John McCain some more face time. Just allow the US to use its AWACS planes and ships so long as no US-delivered ordnance lands on Libyan territory until Congress makes its decision.
France and UK are going first if Libya does not do as their deputy foreign minister said they would–observe a cease fire. Qatar and United Arab Emirates are contributing a symbolic force–although with a no-fly zone I’m not sure how small “symbolic” will turn out to be.
Contrary to Dick Lugar, I’ll side with John Kerry on this one and a call for fundamental CHANGE! Our true adversaries in the Middle-East are the extremists in Israel and Saudi Arabia. Both from the fundamentalist religious view of their world. Participating in the no-fly zone military operation are the Emirates and Qatar.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Yes, what Kerry says is true. How to get there is the problem and has been ever since Pres. Carter called for energy independence and labeled it for the US as the “moral equivalence of war”.
That was prophecy of a sort, since it turns out that our gluttony for oil, oil corporation “employees” in Congress and lack of long term energy policy has led us into real wars over oil resources.
For that matter, where was Kerry before the Iraq invasion? Oh that’s right, he was voting in support of military authorization for Bush. Along with Clinton, Edwards and the other enablers of violence.
I guess someone like Kerry has to stand up and state the obvious now that he has 20-20 hindsight on events 8-9 years ago. But I still cringe when I see Kerry because I remember his little Iraq policy dance during the 2004 election which was a contributing factor to his loss. Sheesh, this makes me puke.
The whole thing strikes me as a circus. I have leanings toward Lugar’s view, but he doesn’t really explore it well. He’s employing the buzz phrases du jour (“Arab street”) but I think he is less interested in informing us or protecting American interests than in scoring political points.
Despite my leanings, I think the US should support the unilateral efforts at the UN but should minimize our own military participation in this. We’re stretched too much already anyway. Let the French take the lead on this as they seem eager to do. They have more history in that region.
And I hope that whatever takes the place of Mallomar’s reign is a significant improvement. If a joint UN force helps the rebels secure the country, the UN has a stake to claim in reorganizing the Libyan government.
This morning on the radio, I heard that France is on it’s way to Libya.
I want to see who gets involved right away.
I have written that we don’t belong in Libya and I stand by that.
I do think this is not Geo. Bush nonsense.
It is for civilian protection.
It’s very quiet about this. This is a good sign
No one is making war noises and getting their face all over the place, yet.
Obama is silent, so far. Why broadcast what is going on and alert Libya?
Clinton had been saying the US would set up a no fly zone all by ourselves and Gates walked that on back right away.
I have been thinking that it’s possible a lot of children have been killed and wounded.
I don’t listen to Kerry anymore. I think he wants to be SoS and that spoils his statements for me.
I also don’t listen to Clinton. She is usally reversed.
I will wait and see what Obama says.
Forgot to add that Truman did not go to Congress about Korea. This fits under the same heading.
It is UN action.
I just want this to be over.
I promise to shut up after this.
Libya has announced a ceasefire in accordance with the UN resolution.
Of course they did. Now someone has to keep gun pointed at their heads. After a while, your arm gets tired.
About Truman. That was the first step down the slippery slope.
Broke my promise.
I agree with you and it led to Viet Nam without a declaration of war.
There’s a lot about Truman that I find wrong.
I have a spotty work history and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
I got to learn things and got the hang of going through changes.
I feel for the rebels in Libya, but this is SO not our problem. Let the EU and the Arabs deal with Moammar.
Caller into CNN from Libya this morning screaming that Khadafi was shelling whole city, including a hospital, that Khadafi declared cease fire to buy him time and that 20 people had died just this morning.