To the displeasure of Israeli officials, the full film, Miral, was shown today at the UN headquarters in New York. Will it play in the US or be censored away like other films which depict the plight of the Palestinians under Israeli occupation and colonialism?
“Based on the novel by Rula Jebreal, the movie revolves around a real-life orphanage established by a Palestinian woman (Abbass) following the 1948 creation of the Israeli state. (Pinto) was sent to the orphanage in 1978. When, later in life, she goes to teach at a refugee camp and falls for an activist, Miral is torn between resistance and education as separate paths to political change.”
It stars Freida Pinto, Willam Dafoe, Hiam Abbass and Vanessa Redgrave.
The Trailer:
Haaretz, the leftward Israeli newspaper, reported on Israel’s anti-film flak at the UN.
Some things can’t be repeated often enough, like this old diary.
Another Palestinian child bites the dust
As reported by ISM (International Solidarity Movement) this morning, any morning, a 10-Year old shot dead at Nil’in.
Six other children below the age of 18 (among 11 total deaths) have been murdered during demonstrations against Israel’s Apartheid Wall.
Israeli soldier’s attitudes toward Palestinian children are becoming more well-known.
Many Palestinian children have been killed and wounded during the Palestinian fight for freedom and independence. Israel’s attitudes toward these children are no less violent than toward adults.
This material, quoted by Lawrence of Cyberia, is about Israel’s targeting of civilians especially children in the West Bank and Gaza. Here you have an occupying military army colonizing Palestinian lands, and Israeli soldiers given orders to take out civilians who protest it including children.
Other evidence of Israeli soldiers targeting children is given in statistics reported by Alison Weir who operates the site, If Americans Knew:
Rami Khouri, the Palestinian-American editor of the Beirut newspaper, the Daily Star, provided this cynical report to statements by PM Ehud Olmert professing concern for Palestinian children (Ehud Olmert’s Profound Ethics and Deep Lies):
Today, we learn that the toll on Palestinian children continues to mount: one more died.
Venessa Redgrave’s credentials as a peace activist and humanitarian is unquestioned. Read here:
From Mondoweiss:
Schnabel finally opens up on Israel: `You shouldn’t have to be Jewish to be free in Israel . . . It is apartheid, that’s what it’s like over there. It is shocking.’
Mar 16, 2011
Adam Horowitz
“In my post yesterday about Miral’s opening I wrote that “[Director Julian] Schnabel’s eyes have been opened to the conflict in Palestine, and the basic inequity of a system that privileges Jews over all others.” Ummm, you can say that again.
Schnabel has given a wide ranging, and often rambling, doozy of an interview to on the the film’s politics and his experience in Israel/Palestine. Here’s his answer to a question of what “a peaceful solution in the settlement areas” would look like:
“First of all, they have to stop building these settlements. Take them out. That’s not a military solution, it has to be a humanitarian solution. It is like black people living in the United States in 1960. It is apartheid, that’s what it’s like over there. It is shocking. I didn’t want to say these things when I made the movie. I wanted people to look at the movie as a work of art. But now I see it as a vessel, about opening your heart, understanding, and non-violent solutions. There are things that are controversial in the film, things that are shocking to see. But it is so light in the context of what really goes on. Under the guise of state security, a little girl can’t go to school. The orphanage depicted in the film had 3000 girls at its peak, and there’s hardly anybody in it now. Because of the wall, the security fence that goes all around these illegal settlements and makes life impossible for the Palestinian people. It kills any kind of industry they could have. Only Jewish people can drive to Jerusalem in 15 minutes. These other people, it takes hours for them to get anywhere. It is totally dehumanizing and unacceptable. I was so ashamed of my people, so ashamed to see somebody throw a rock at a young man, hit him in the head, while two soldiers are watching. A young Hasidic kid throws a rock at a Palestinian guy, who hits the ground. And soldiers are standing there, watching this happen, and they don’t do anything. Our tax dollars are paying for this. The government is paying for two soldiers for every settler.”
He still seems a bit shell-shocked from what he saw. At one point he says to interviewer Mike Fleming, “I’m telling you Mike, if you and I were standing there, in Hebron, watching, you would be mortified. There are children who have to walk to school through a graveyard at 4 o’clock in the morning because they’ll get beat up if they walk through town.” He shares a personal experience about traveling with Palestinian author and screenwriter Rula Jebreal to demonstrate how making the film changed his perspective on the conflict….”
Unavoidable distractions, ala c’est la vie.
Palin visits Israel meets with Netanyahu.
She must be serious about running she is sucking up to a real power in US politics. The leaser of the country that decides US foreign policy. Huckabee will have to drop by and visit Israel soon. I imagine he has been to the “holy land” a dozen times anyway.
make that leader not leaser!
It is difficult not to be cynical about the unholy alliance here, where the tail wags the dog and about that there is no more denial. Israel has lived off of the victim strategy for years, and in this matter Hamas has been helpful.
But now that the Middle East is changing before our eyes, we can only wait to see what happens after the old allies fall, Egypt for certain, Jordan shaky, and now Syrians joining the revolt.
Or is it the ‘UNholy land’? You can remove the quotation marks at your discretion.
Updates are many. This film is an ongoing story.
ADL suggests that U.N. sponsors terrorism- the film `Miral’
The ADL is not in the pocket of the right wing Likudniks and Abe Foxman is no longer a fighter against bigotry.
The American Jewish Committee, likewise a right wing organization, came out strongly against the film.
Miral, Israel and AJC
The first line tells you where this critique is going: “Want a case study in disinformation and misinformation?” Harris published his negative critique on Huffington Post.
B’nai B’rith joined in: