
Read on.
Please. Say these names. In this order.

Saudi Arabia

Now…go to Google Maps and enter the words “Saudi Arabia” in the search area. Scroll out until Libya is close to the left-hand side of the map, Pakistan/Afghanistan is close to its right-hand side and Sudan is near the bottom.

What do you see?

You see an illustration of the Sufi idea that “war” resembles a disease of the body of earth. An infection. Other eras, other areas of infection. Right now? This area is in near-critical condition. Bet on it.

Once you understand that one fact…that a disease is in progress…then you can make judgments about that disease.

Just as a doctor might.

Is the patient beyond hope?

Should the disease be left to run its course? Is the area healthy enough to survive it? Does the concept “That which does not kill us makes us stronger” apply here? Left to their own devices will the people of this area eventually get rid of the parasites who have been sucking them dry for 60+ years if not longer without any help from outside?

Is said area a necessary part of the body of earth as its stands today? That is, if it dies or becomes at least temporarily unusable will the rest of the earth survive the way a human being can live without a gall bladder or a limb?

If the answer is “No, it is too important an organ to let it devolve,” then the next question is “What kind of ‘cure’ should best be applied?”

And really…that’s where we are right now.

Radical surgery?

A number of more minor surgeries?

Some sort of mystical healing approach? (Laughingly known as “democracy” in some circles.)

Wait and see what happens?


Different interests in different countries have different opinions. They are pushing and pulling on one another in a sort of vector system, and the end result is that nothing is moving in a straight line.

A “Sufi” approach to the idea of war? (Remembering always that there are no “Sufis”, that the very use of the word is an oversimplification. A necessary one, sometimes, but there it is.)

Walk away. Protect yourself and then let it happen. Survive. This too shall pass.

I am increasingly of the mind that the United States should pull all of its military back inside its borders except the WMD subs.

The Gilroy Doctrine?


Here it is.

Do not tread on us and we will not tread on you

But fuck with the bull and you will get the horns.

Coupled with a real green/austerity movement at home. If the hypnomedia can sell something as patently false as the runup to the Iraq War, it can sell anything. Why not austerity?

Until we become energy-independent, we will have to make sacrifices on the order of those that were made during World War II. You remember the Cold War? Well this is the Peaceful War. And it can be won!!!

And so on.

Set the troops to rebuilding the country’s infrastructure with a mind towards the conservation of energy. Rail. Mass transit of all kinds. Rebuild this damned country! Secure the borders…and I mean really secure them. Not from the so-called “illegal aliens” who are doing about 60% of the real work in this country at present, but from all possibility of terrorist attack and from all possibility of drug smuggling as well. That “can be done” too…certainly a whole lot better than it is being done now. I mean…hell, folks, we can get high on our own drugs if that’s what it takes. In fact, we can even home-produce terrorism if we really need to do so. Hell, we kin do any damned thing we set our mindlessnesses to!!!

The chances of this happening, however?

Don’t make me laugh. That’s when it hurts the most.

But there it is.

Instead we are adopting the British “muddle through” approach.

This used to work when there were fewer people in the world and thus more natural resources to be wasted.


Look at what just happened in Japan for more on that subject. A totally corrupt muddleocracy that only succeeded because of the long and elegant Japanese tradition of societal cooperation is about to crumble. Why? Due to a natural disaster the results of which have been amplified a million times over by the “need for energy”, a need that resulted in reliance on poisonous nuclear power for short-term comfort.


Its time has come.

Only…we’re still living in the past.

So it goes.

And so we go.

Down like a motherfucker if we don’t get our own act together.
