I actually watched St. Elmo’s Fire a month or so ago. I wanted to set the entire cast on fire, they were so annoying. No wonder they called them the Brat Pack. It was a truly self-indulgent godawful movie, and not in a good way. So, I think it’s kind of obnoxious to refer to the DC-based new media elite as the Brat Pack. What’s important is that they’re a lot better at what they do than Dana Milbank and Fred Hiatt are at what they do. They definitely have lost some of their edge as they’ve come to be more influential and respectable, but they’re laying down about the only truth you’re going to find in the Capitol. And Ezra shouldn’t apologize for ripping into Joe Lieberman without mercy. What he said was 100% true. When people get on Ezra’s case for telling it like it is, he should point out that it’s Lieberman, not him, who should be apologizing. Lieberman’s the one who was “willing to cause the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in order to settle an old electoral score.”

You should be allowed to say that in the Washington Post, not just Maxim or Rolling Stone.