Geraldine Ferraro has died of complications from multiple myeloma. My thoughts are with her family and loved ones.

Japan is becoming increasingly toxic, with the widespread soil contamination probably their biggest long-term nightmare.

Somehow these two things seem to go together. American Catholics don’t seem to be influenced by papal teachings on social issues and American Jews seem equally disinclined to accept the infallibility of Israel’s actions.

David Gilo, who is the chairman of J Street, said in the hearing [before the Knesset] that the contract that had long existed between Israel and Jews abroad — one of unconditional support — was expiring and a new one was being drafted. He argued that the new contract was good not only for those abroad but for Israel as well, since it would bring into the fold those who would otherwise be alienated. “The new contract cannot be based on unilateral dictation of what is right, who is right and who is wrong,” he said. “Only agreement on common values and a genuine attempt to understand where each party comes from can reinstate an Israeli-American Jewish partnership.”

Andy McCarthy is a complete idiot. But I like that he is honest enough to admit that he opposes the military intervention in Libya, in part, because it gives liberals a compelling argument against gutting our social safety net and other valuable government programs. After all, if we have money to spend on tomahawk missiles then we have money for public broadcasting. Right?

As if the president isn’t busy enough, he’s issued a statement about the Ivory Coast which the White House calls ‘Cote d’Ivoire,’ proving once again that he wants to let the French lead the free world.

It was really hard to repeal the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy, but I don’t ever see it being reinstated, regardless of how many Republican candidates call for it. I don’t think the amorous mindset argument is going to hold much water with younger Americans.

Syria is a bit of a wildcard in the Middle East these days. They are having their own protests and unrest. I don’t think anyone except Iran and Hezbollah would be unhappy to see the Assad regime replaced. Their southern neighbor Jordan, however…a lot of people would be upset to see King Abdullah toppled.

What’s on your mind this afternoon?